
With this repo, you will deploy, using Docker Compose, an API of Whisper running on a Flask server.

Primary LanguagePython

🐳 Whisper API with Flask + Docker Compose 🐳


If you find this useful, remember about giving a start ⭐ to this repo or share it 🔁

Forked from Lablab-ai/whisper-api-flask

Description 📋


With this repo, you will deploy, using Docker Compose, an API of Whisper, an automatic State-of-the-Art speech recognition system from OpenAI that has been trained on 680,000 hours of multilingual and multitask supervised data collected from the web, running on a Flask server.

It is composed by a single container:

  • whisper-api, Whisper API running on a Flash server.

Installation ⌨

Docker Installation Illustration

  1. You need Docker and Docker-compose where you are going to launch this so, if you do not have it... click HERE or go to the end of this .md ^^

  2. Clone this rep.

  3. Check the app.py in order to understand the logic, change the model of any other configuration.

  4. Run docker-compose up -d or docker-compose up if you want to check the logs directly.

  5. Check that the container is correctly deployed and running.

  6. If everything lookd good. Lets have some fun with it:

    • Test the API by sending a POST request to the route http://localhost:5000/whisper, or the endpoint you have defined inside the app.py file, with a file in it. Body should be form-data.
    • For terminal lovers, you can test it with this curl command:
    curl -F "file=@/path/to/file" http://localhost:5000/whisper
    • The result should out put a JSON object with the transcription in it 🍻

Docker's useful commands 📑

Docker Commands Illustration

  • Run Docker Compose: docker compose up -d / docker compose up

  • Check Docker Compose's volumens status: docker compose ps -a / docker compose ps

  • Check Docker's images: docker images -a

  • Remove Docker's images: docker rmi -f imageID1 imageID2 ... (-f = force)

  • Enter to a Docker's volumen: docker compose exec VolumenID sh / docker compose exec VolumenID bash

  • Copy a file to the docker we want to: docker cp file docker_id:/dir

  • Remove all dangling (not tagged or associated with a container) containers, volumes, networks and images: docker system prune

  • Remove all unused containers and images with at least one container associated to them: docker system prune -a

  • Shows all unused local images: docker images ls -f dangling=true

  • Shows all unused local volumes: docker volume ls -f dangling=true

  • Remove all local volumes not used by at least one container: docker volume prune

Installing Docker, Docker-compose and Composer 🛠


Docker installation

  1. Download and install Docker: apt install docker

  2. Gives permisions so you can run it everywhere: sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

  3. Starts Docker's service: service docker start

  4. Starts Docker's service each time you run the SO: chkconfig docker on

Docker Compose V2 installation

For this repo, DockerComposeV2 was used, so that is why we use docker compose instead of docker-compose. If you are using DockerComposeV1, have this in mind.

  1. Run sudo apt-get install docker-compose-plugin

  2. Check which versions are availables with apt-cache madison docker-compose-plugin

  3. Intall the version you are looking for with sudo apt-get install docker-compose-plugin=<VERSION_STRING>, for this repo sudo apt install docker-compose-plugin=2.6.0~ubuntu-focal was used.

  4. Check the version and the installation: docker compose version

⭐ Feedback and bugs 🐞

If you find any bug or just want to give your feedback (remember the ⭐ ^^), Feel free to do it. I am, like you, constantly learning and things change so quickly that... no one knows ^^

Version control 📝

  • v1.0 - Current - Creation of the rep with the config finished - 29/04/2023