GCP Secrets Manager Credentials Provider

GCP Secrets Manager Credentials Provider Plugin

Access credentials from Google Cloud Secrets Manager in your Jenkins jobs.


Enable the Secrets Manager API via the GCP console or by running:

gcloud services enable secretmanager.googleapis.com --project=my-project

Follow the documentation for creating and updating secrets.


To enable the plugin, go to "Configure System" and find the "GCP Secrets Manager" section. Input the name of the GCP projects that contain the secrets.

Secret names (not values) are cached in-memory for 5 minutes. This is not currently configurable.

Secrets created in GCP Secret Manager must have the label with key jenkins-credentials-type and one of the following values:

  • string
  • file
  • username-password
  • ssh-user-private-key
  • certificate


Give Jenkins read access to the Secrets Manager with an Google Cloud IAM policy.

At minimum, give Jenkins an IAM role with the following permissions:

  • secretmanager.secrets.list (project-level)
  • secretmanager.secrets.get (project-level)
  • secretmanager.versions.list
  • secretmanager.versions.get
  • secretmanager.versions.access

The easiest option is to give the Jenkins service account the pre-built roles roles/secretmanager.secretAccessor and roles/secretmanager.viewer at the project-level.

Jenkins will attempt to list all secrets for the configured projects. If it doesn't have access to list secrets in the projects, no secrets will be added to the credential store.

If you are running Jenkins on GCP, attach a default service account to the instance running Jenkins. You can use Workload Identity if running Jenkins on Google Kubernetes Engine.

If you are not running Jenkins on GCP, set the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS for the Jenkins process to the path of a JSON service account key with the above permissions.

When using JSON service account keys, both the master and agents must have the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS set to an accessible file. For example, when using the Kubernetes plugin it is recommended to provide a secret volume that mounts the file into the agent pod:

podTemplate(yaml: """
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
    some-label: some-label-value
  - name: busybox
    image: busybox
      value: /jenkins/sa.json 
    - name: gcp-sa-secret
      mountPath: "/jenkins" 
      readOnly: true
  - name: gcp-sa-secret
      secretName: gcp-sa-secret 
) {
    node(POD_LABEL) {

Where the secret was created with the following command:

kubectl create secret generic gcp-sa-secret --from-file=/tmp/sa.json

Server Side Filtering

Server side filtering allows to filter on several properties, a list of Learn more about Secret Manager server-side filtering in the documentation.

Retrive only secrets with the label of the value production



You can use JCasC to set the GCP project and label filters.

      filter: "labels.foo:bar OR labels.foo:baz"
    project: "my-gcp-project1,my-gcp-project2"


Secret Text

Set the label jenkins-credentials-type=string to use the credential type.

echo -n 's3cr3t' | gcloud secrets create datadog-api-key \
  --data-file=- \
  --labels=jenkins-credentials-type=string \
  --replication-policy=automatic \

Scripted pipeline:

node {
    withCredentials([string(credentialsId: 'datadog-api-key', variable: 'DATADOG_API_KEY')]) {
        echo 'My string: $DATADOG_API_KEY'


Set the label jenkins-credentials-type=file to use the credential type.

Additional labels:

  • jenkins-credentials-filename
  • jenkins-credentials-file-extension
gcloud secrets create serviceacount \
  --data-file=my-file.json \
  --labels=jenkins-credentials-type=file,jenkins-credentials-filename=serviceaccount,jenkins-credentials-file-extension=json \
  --replication-policy=automatic \

Scripted pipeline:

node {
    withCredentials([file(credentialsId: 'serviceaccount', variable: 'MY_FILE')]) {
        echo 'My file path: $MY_FILE'

Username and Password

Set the label jenkins-credentials-type=username-password to use the credential type.

Additional labels:

  • jenkins-credentials-username
echo -n 's3cr3t' | gcloud secrets create nexus-creds \
  --data-file=- \
  --labels=jenkins-credentials-type=username-password,jenkins-credentials-username=nexus-user \
  --replication-policy=automatic \

Scripted pipeline:

node {
            credentialsId: 'nexus-creds',
            usernameVariable: 'NEXUS_USERNAME',
            passwordVariable: 'NEXUS_PASSWORD'
    ]) {
        echo 'My credentials: $NEXUS_USERNAME:$NEXUS_PASSWORD'


Set the label jenkins-credentials-type=ssh-user-private-key to use the credential type.

Additional labels:

  • jenkins-credentials-username
gcloud secrets create ssh-key \
  --data-file=id_rsa \
  --labels=jenkins-credentials-type=ssh-user-private-key,jenkins-credentials-username=taylor \
  --replication-policy=automatic \

Scripted pipeline:

node {
    sshagent(credentials: ['ssh-key']) {
        sh "ssh -T git@github.com"


Set the label jenkins-credentials-type=certificate to use the credential type.

gcloud secrets create certificate \
  --data-file=keystore \
  --labels=jenkins-credentials-type=certificate \
  --replication-policy=automatic \

Scripted pipeline:

node {
            credentialsId: 'certificate',
            keystoreVariable: 'KEYSTORE_VARIABLE'
    ]) {
        echo 'My keystore: $KEYSTORE_VARIABLE'

Folder Filter

A Folder property is provided to allow specifying a custom, optionally exclusive, filter for secret discovery. This allows to scope usage of certain secrets to folders.


  • Labels must contain only hyphens (-), underscores (_), lowercase characters, and numbers. Any usernames or filenames in labels that have other characters will not be allowed.

  • The secret manager API does not support descriptions. The description of the secret will be the same as the id.