#MokoBeaconX Android SDK Instruction DOC(English)
1.1 Import "Module mokosupport" to root directory
1.2 Edit "settings.gradle" file
include ':app', ':mokosupport'
1.3 Edit "build.gradle" file under the APP project
dependencies {
implementation project(path: ':mokosupport')
Initialize sdk at project initialization
SDK provides three main functions:
- Scan the device;
- Connect to the device;
- Send and receive data.
Start scanning
End scanning
Implement the scanning callback interface
* @ClassPath com.moko.support.callback.MokoScanDeviceCallback
public interface MokoScanDeviceCallback {
void onStartScan();
void onScanDevice(DeviceInfo device);
void onStopScan();
- Analysis
; inferredBeaconInfo
BeaconInfo beaconInfo = new BeaconXInfoParseableImpl().parseDeviceInfo(device);
Please refer to "Demo Project" to use BeaconInfoParseableImpl
class. You can get some basic information from BeaconInfo
, such as "Device Name", "MAC address", "RSSI" .
You can filter devices according to the 5th and 6th bytes in the field of broadcasting ServiceID---0xAAFE stands for Eddystone; 0x20FF stands for iBeacon; 0x10FF stands for custom device information witch includs MAC address, Device Name, Battery information etc.
for (ParcelUuid uuid : map.keySet()) {
String serviceDataUuid = uuid.getUuid().toString().toLowerCase();
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(serviceDataUuid)) {
String serviceData = MokoUtils.bytesToHexString(scanRecord.getServiceData(uuid));
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(serviceData)) {
if (serviceDataUuid.contains("feaa")) {
unanalysedData = serviceData;
isEddystone = true;
if (serviceDataUuid.contains("ff10")) {
unanalysedData = serviceData;
isDeviceInfo = true;
if (serviceDataUuid.contains("ff20")) {
unanalysedData = serviceData;
isBeacon = true;
MokoSupport.getInstance().connDevice(context, address);
When connecting to the device, context, MAC address and callback by EventBus.
@Subscribe(threadMode = ThreadMode.MAIN)
public void onConnectStatusEvent(ConnectStatusEvent event) {
String action = event.getAction();
if (MokoConstants.ACTION_CONN_STATUS_DISCONNECTED.equals(action)) {
if (MokoConstants.ACTION_DISCOVER_SUCCESS.equals(action)) {
It uses EventBus
to notify activity after receiving the status
All the request data is encapsulated into TASK, and sent to the device in a QUEUE way.
SDK gets task status from task callback (OrderTaskResponse
) after sending tasks successfully.
- Task
At present, all the tasks sent from the SDK can be divided into 4 types:
- READ:Readable
- WRITE:Writable
- WRITE_NO_RESPONSE:After enabling the notification property, send data to the device and listen to the data returned by device.
Encapsulated tasks are as follows:
Task Class | Task Type | Function |
NotifyConfigTask |
NOTIFY | Enable notification property |
Task Class | Task Type | Function |
LockStateTask |
READ | Get Lock State; 0x00 stands for LOCKED and needs to be unlocked; 0x01 stands for UNLOCKED; 0x02 stands for Uulocked and automatic relock disabled. |
LockStateTask |
WRITE | Set new password; AES encryption of 16 byte new password with 16 byte old password ( To prevent the new password from being broadcast in the clear, the client shall AES-128-ECB encrypt the new password with the existing password. The BeaconX shall perform the decryption with its existing password and set that value as the new password. ). |
UnLockTask |
READ | Get a 128-bit challenge token. This token is for one-time use and cannot be replayed.To securely unlock the BeaconX, the host must write a one-time use unlock_token into the characteristic. To create the unlock_token, it first reads the randomly generated 16-byte challenge and generates it using AES-128-ECB.encrypt (key=password[16], text=challenge[16]). |
UnLockTask |
WRITE | Unlock,If the result of this calculation matches the unlock_token written to the characteristic, the beacon is unlocked. Sets the LOCK STATE to 0x01 on success. |
ManufacturerTask |
READ | Get manufacturer. |
DeviceModelTask |
READ | Get product model. |
ProductDateTask |
READ | Get production date. |
HardwareVersionTask |
READ | Get hardware version. |
FirmwareVersionTask |
READ | Get firmware version. |
SoftwareVersionTask |
READ | Get software version. |
BatteryTask |
READ | Get battery capacity. |
WriteConfigTask |
WRITE_NO_RESPONSE | Write ConfigKeyEnum.GET_DEVICE_MAC ,get MAC address. |
WriteConfigTask |
WRITE_NO_RESPONSE | WriteConfigKeyEnum.GET_DEVICE_NAME ,get device name. |
WriteConfigTask |
WRITE_NO_RESPONSE | CallsetDeviceName(String deviceName) ,set device name(The length of the name cannot be more than 8). |
WriteConfigTask |
WRITE_NO_RESPONSE | WriteConfigKeyEnum.GET_CONNECTABLE ,get device connection status; 01:Connectable; 00:Unconnectable. |
WriteConfigTask |
WRITE_NO_RESPONSE | CallsetConnectable(boolean isConnectable) ,Set the connection status. |
ResetDeviceTask |
WRITE | Reset |
WriteConfigTask |
WRITE_NO_RESPONSE | WriteConfigKeyEnum.SET_CLOSE ,close the device. |
Task Class | Task Type | Function |
WriteConfigTask |
WRITE_NO_RESPONSE | Write ConfigKeyEnum.GET_IBEACON_UUID ,get iBeacon UUID. |
WriteConfigTask |
WRITE_NO_RESPONSE | CallsetiBeaconUUID(String uuidHex) ,set iBeacon UUID(16bytes). |
WriteConfigTask |
WRITE_NO_RESPONSE | WriteConfigKeyEnum.GET_IBEACON_INFO ,get iBeacon Major、Minor and advTxPower(RSSI@1m). |
WriteConfigTask |
WRITE_NO_RESPONSE | Call setiBeaconData(int major, int minor, int advTxPower) ,set iBeacon Major(2bytes)、Minor(2bytes) and advTxPower(RSSI@1m, 1bytes). |
Task Class | Task Type | Function |
AdvSlotTask |
WRITE | Switch SLOT. Please take SlotEnum as reference |
AdvSlotDataTask |
READ | After switching the SLOT, get the current SLOT data and parse the returned data according to the SLOT type. |
public void setSlotData(byte[] value) {
int frameType = value[0];
SlotFrameTypeEnum slotFrameTypeEnum = SlotFrameTypeEnum.fromFrameType(frameType);
if (slotFrameTypeEnum != null) {
switch (slotFrameTypeEnum) {
case URL:
// URL:10cf014c6f766500
BeaconXParser.parseUrlData(slotData, value);
case TLM:
case UID:
BeaconXParser.parseUidData(slotData, value);
Task Class | Task Type | Function |
AdvSlotDataTask |
WRITE | After switching the SLOT, set the current SLOT data |
UID data composition:SLOT type(0x00) + Namespace(10bytes) + Instance ID(6bytes)
URL data composition:SLOT type(0x10) + URLScheme(1bytes) + URLContent(Max 17bytes)
TLM data composition:SLOT type(0x20)
NO_DATA data composition:0
Task Class | Task Type | Function |
RadioTxPowerTask |
READ | Get current SLOT Tx Power. |
RadioTxPowerTask |
WRITE | Set current SLOT Tx Power(1bytes). Please take TxPowerEnum as reference |
AdvIntervalTask |
READ | Get current SLOT broadcasting Interval. |
AdvIntervalTask |
WRITE | Set current SLOT broadcasting Interval(2bytes). Range:100ms- 5000ms. Example:0x03E8=1000 (Unit:ms). |
AdvTxPowerTask |
WRITE | Set currnent SLOT advTxPower(RSSI@0m, 1bytes). Range:-127dBm—0dBm. Example:0xED=-19dBm. |
WriteConfigTask |
WRITE_NO_RESPONSE | WriteConfigKeyEnum.GET_SLOT_TYPE ,get the SLOT type of the five SLOTs. Please take SlotFrameTypeEnum as reference. |
- Create tasks
Examples of creating tasks are as follows:
* @Description get LOCK STATE
public static OrderTask getLockState() {
LockStateTask lockStateTask = new LockStateTask(OrderTask.RESPONSE_TYPE_READ);
return lockStateTask;
* @Description Set Device Name
public static OrderTask setDeviceName(String deviceName) {
WriteConfigTask writeConfigTask = new WriteConfigTask(OrderTask.RESPONSE_TYPE_WRITE_NO_RESPONSE);
return writeConfigTask;
* @Description Switch SLOT
public static OrderTask setSlot(SlotEnum slot) {
AdvSlotTask advSlotTask = new AdvSlotTask(OrderTask.RESPONSE_TYPE_WRITE);
return advSlotTask;
- Send tasks
MokoSupport.getInstance().sendOrder(OrderTask... orderTasks);
The task can be one or more.
- Task callback
@Subscribe(threadMode = ThreadMode.MAIN)
public void onOrderTaskResponseEvent(OrderTaskResponseEvent event) {
final String action = event.getAction();
if (MokoConstants.ACTION_ORDER_TIMEOUT.equals(action)) {
if (MokoConstants.ACTION_ORDER_FINISH.equals(action)) {
if (MokoConstants.ACTION_ORDER_RESULT.equals(action)) {
After the task is sent to the device, the data returned by the device can be obtained by using the `onOrderResult` function, and you can determine witch class the task is according to the `response.orderType` function. The `response.responseValue` is the returned data.
Every task has a default timeout of 3 seconds to prevent the device from failing to return data due to a fault and the fail will cause other tasks in the queue can not execute normally. After the timeout, the `onOrderTimeout` will be called back. You can determine witch class the task is according to the `response.orderType` function and then the next task continues.
When the task in the queue is empty, `onOrderFinish` will be called back.
- Listening task
When there is data returned from the device, the data will be sent in the form of broadcast, and the action of receiving broadcast is MokoConstants.ACTION_CURRENT_DATA
String action = intent.getAction();
if (MokoConstants.ACTION_CURRENT_DATA.equals(action)) {
OrderTaskResponse response = event.getResponse();
OrderType orderType = response.orderType;
int responseType = response.responseType;
byte[] value = response.responseValue;
Get OrderTaskResponse
from the OrderTaskResponseEvent
, and the corresponding key value is response.responseValue
- AndroidManifest.xml of SDK has declared to access SD card and get Bluetooth permissions.
- The SDK comes with logging, and if you want to view the log in the SD card, please to use "LogModule". The log path is : root directory of SD card/mokoBeaconX/mokoBeaconX.txt. It only records the log of the day and the day before.