
Android Studio Platform

Primary LanguageJava

#MokoBeaconX Android SDK Instruction DOC(English)

1. Import project

1.1 Import "Module mokosupport" to root directory

1.2 Edit "settings.gradle" file

include ':app', ':mokosupport'

1.3 Edit "build.gradle" file under the APP project

dependencies {
	implementation project(path: ':mokosupport')

2. How to use

Initialize sdk at project initialization


SDK provides three main functions:

  • Scan the device;
  • Connect to the device;
  • Send and receive data.

2.1 Scan the device

Start scanning


End scanning


Implement the scanning callback interface

 * @ClassPath com.moko.support.callback.MokoScanDeviceCallback
public interface MokoScanDeviceCallback {
    void onStartScan();

    void onScanDevice(DeviceInfo device);

    void onStopScan();
  • Analysis DeviceInfo ; inferred BeaconInfo
BeaconInfo beaconInfo = new BeaconXInfoParseableImpl().parseDeviceInfo(device);

Please refer to "Demo Project" to use BeaconInfoParseableImpl class. You can get some basic information from BeaconInfo, such as "Device Name", "MAC address", "RSSI" .

You can filter devices according to the 5th and 6th bytes in the field of broadcasting ServiceID---0xAAFE stands for Eddystone; 0x20FF stands for iBeacon; 0x10FF stands for custom device information witch includs MAC address, Device Name, Battery information etc.

for (ParcelUuid uuid : map.keySet()) {
                String serviceDataUuid = uuid.getUuid().toString().toLowerCase();
                if (TextUtils.isEmpty(serviceDataUuid)) {
                String serviceData = MokoUtils.bytesToHexString(scanRecord.getServiceData(uuid));
                if (TextUtils.isEmpty(serviceData)) {
                if (serviceDataUuid.contains("feaa")) {
                    unanalysedData = serviceData;
                    isEddystone = true;
                if (serviceDataUuid.contains("ff10")) {
                    unanalysedData = serviceData;
                    isDeviceInfo = true;
                if (serviceDataUuid.contains("ff20")) {
                    unanalysedData = serviceData;
                    isBeacon = true;

2.2 Connect to the device

MokoSupport.getInstance().connDevice(context, address);

When connecting to the device, context, MAC address and callback by EventBus.

    @Subscribe(threadMode = ThreadMode.MAIN)
    public void onConnectStatusEvent(ConnectStatusEvent event) {
        String action = event.getAction();
        if (MokoConstants.ACTION_CONN_STATUS_DISCONNECTED.equals(action)) {
        if (MokoConstants.ACTION_DISCOVER_SUCCESS.equals(action)) {

It uses EventBus to notify activity after receiving the status

2.3 Send and receive data.

All the request data is encapsulated into TASK, and sent to the device in a QUEUE way. SDK gets task status from task callback (OrderTaskResponse) after sending tasks successfully.

  • Task

At present, all the tasks sent from the SDK can be divided into 4 types:

  1. READ:Readable
  2. WRITE:Writable
  3. WRITE_NO_RESPONSE:After enabling the notification property, send data to the device and listen to the data returned by device.

Encapsulated tasks are as follows:

Task Class Task Type Function
NotifyConfigTask NOTIFY Enable notification property

Custom device information

Task Class Task Type Function
LockStateTask READ Get Lock State; 0x00 stands for LOCKED and needs to be unlocked; 0x01 stands for UNLOCKED; 0x02 stands for Uulocked and automatic relock disabled.
LockStateTask WRITE Set new password; AES encryption of 16 byte new password with 16 byte old password ( To prevent the new password from being broadcast in the clear, the client shall AES-128-ECB encrypt the new password with the existing password. The BeaconX shall perform the decryption with its existing password and set that value as the new password. ).
UnLockTask READ Get a 128-bit challenge token. This token is for one-time use and cannot be replayed.To securely unlock the BeaconX, the host must write a one-time use unlock_token into the characteristic. To create the unlock_token, it first reads the randomly generated 16-byte challenge and generates it using AES-128-ECB.encrypt (key=password[16], text=challenge[16]).
UnLockTask WRITE Unlock,If the result of this calculation matches the unlock_token written to the characteristic, the beacon is unlocked. Sets the LOCK STATE to 0x01 on success.
ManufacturerTask READ Get manufacturer.
DeviceModelTask READ Get product model.
ProductDateTask READ Get production date.
HardwareVersionTask READ Get hardware version.
FirmwareVersionTask READ Get firmware version.
SoftwareVersionTask READ Get software version.
BatteryTask READ Get battery capacity.
WriteConfigTask WRITE_NO_RESPONSE Write ConfigKeyEnum.GET_DEVICE_MAC,get MAC address.
WriteConfigTask WRITE_NO_RESPONSE WriteConfigKeyEnum.GET_DEVICE_NAME,get device name.
WriteConfigTask WRITE_NO_RESPONSE CallsetDeviceName(String deviceName),set device name(The length of the name cannot be more than 8).
WriteConfigTask WRITE_NO_RESPONSE WriteConfigKeyEnum.GET_CONNECTABLE,get device connection status; 01:Connectable; 00:Unconnectable.
WriteConfigTask WRITE_NO_RESPONSE CallsetConnectable(boolean isConnectable),Set the connection status.
ResetDeviceTask WRITE Reset
WriteConfigTask WRITE_NO_RESPONSE WriteConfigKeyEnum.SET_CLOSE,close the device.

iBeacon information

Task Class Task Type Function
WriteConfigTask WRITE_NO_RESPONSE Write ConfigKeyEnum.GET_IBEACON_UUID,get iBeacon UUID.
WriteConfigTask WRITE_NO_RESPONSE CallsetiBeaconUUID(String uuidHex),set iBeacon UUID(16bytes).
WriteConfigTask WRITE_NO_RESPONSE WriteConfigKeyEnum.GET_IBEACON_INFO,get iBeacon Major、Minor and advTxPower(RSSI@1m).
WriteConfigTask WRITE_NO_RESPONSE Call setiBeaconData(int major, int minor, int advTxPower),set iBeacon Major(2bytes)、Minor(2bytes) and advTxPower(RSSI@1m, 1bytes).

Eddystone information(URL,UID,TLM)

Task Class Task Type Function
AdvSlotTask WRITE Switch SLOT. Please take SlotEnum as reference
AdvSlotDataTask READ After switching the SLOT, get the current SLOT data and parse the returned data according to the SLOT type.
public void setSlotData(byte[] value) {
        int frameType = value[0];
        SlotFrameTypeEnum slotFrameTypeEnum = SlotFrameTypeEnum.fromFrameType(frameType);
        if (slotFrameTypeEnum != null) {
            switch (slotFrameTypeEnum) {
                case URL:
                    // URL:10cf014c6f766500
                    BeaconXParser.parseUrlData(slotData, value);
                case TLM:
                case UID:
                    BeaconXParser.parseUidData(slotData, value);
Task Class Task Type Function
AdvSlotDataTask WRITE After switching the SLOT, set the current SLOT data
UID data composition:SLOT type(0x00) + Namespace(10bytes) + Instance ID(6bytes)
URL data composition:SLOT type(0x10) + URLScheme(1bytes) + URLContent(Max 17bytes)
TLM data composition:SLOT type(0x20)
NO_DATA data composition:0
Task Class Task Type Function
RadioTxPowerTask READ Get current SLOT Tx Power.
RadioTxPowerTask WRITE Set current SLOT Tx Power(1bytes). Please take TxPowerEnum as reference
AdvIntervalTask READ Get current SLOT broadcasting Interval.
AdvIntervalTask WRITE Set current SLOT broadcasting Interval(2bytes). Range:100ms- 5000ms. Example:0x03E8=1000 (Unit:ms).
AdvTxPowerTask WRITE Set currnent SLOT advTxPower(RSSI@0m, 1bytes). Range:-127dBm—0dBm. Example:0xED=-19dBm.
WriteConfigTask WRITE_NO_RESPONSE WriteConfigKeyEnum.GET_SLOT_TYPE,get the SLOT type of the five SLOTs. Please take SlotFrameTypeEnum as reference.
  • Create tasks

Examples of creating tasks are as follows:

     * @Description   get LOCK STATE
    public static OrderTask getLockState() {
        LockStateTask lockStateTask = new LockStateTask(OrderTask.RESPONSE_TYPE_READ);
        return lockStateTask;
     * @Description  Set Device Name
    public static OrderTask setDeviceName(String deviceName) {
        WriteConfigTask writeConfigTask = new WriteConfigTask(OrderTask.RESPONSE_TYPE_WRITE_NO_RESPONSE);
        return writeConfigTask;
     * @Description   Switch SLOT
    public static OrderTask setSlot(SlotEnum slot) {
        AdvSlotTask advSlotTask = new AdvSlotTask(OrderTask.RESPONSE_TYPE_WRITE);
        return advSlotTask;
  • Send tasks
MokoSupport.getInstance().sendOrder(OrderTask... orderTasks);

The task can be one or more.

  • Task callback
	@Subscribe(threadMode = ThreadMode.MAIN)
    public void onOrderTaskResponseEvent(OrderTaskResponseEvent event) {
        final String action = event.getAction();
        if (MokoConstants.ACTION_ORDER_TIMEOUT.equals(action)) {
        if (MokoConstants.ACTION_ORDER_FINISH.equals(action)) {
        if (MokoConstants.ACTION_ORDER_RESULT.equals(action)) {


After the task is sent to the device, the data returned by the device can be obtained by using the `onOrderResult` function, and you can determine witch class the task is according to the `response.orderType` function. The `response.responseValue` is the returned data.


Every task has a default timeout of 3 seconds to prevent the device from failing to return data due to a fault and the fail will cause other tasks in the queue can not execute normally. After the timeout, the `onOrderTimeout` will be called back. You can determine witch class the task is according to the `response.orderType` function and then the next task continues.


When the task in the queue is empty, `onOrderFinish` will be called back.
  • Listening task

When there is data returned from the device, the data will be sent in the form of broadcast, and the action of receiving broadcast is MokoConstants.ACTION_CURRENT_DATA.

String action = intent.getAction();
if (MokoConstants.ACTION_CURRENT_DATA.equals(action)) {
    OrderTaskResponse response = event.getResponse();
    OrderType orderType = response.orderType;
    int responseType = response.responseType;
    byte[] value = response.responseValue;

Get OrderTaskResponse from the OrderTaskResponseEvent, and the corresponding key value is response.responseValue.

4. Special instructions

  1. AndroidManifest.xml of SDK has declared to access SD card and get Bluetooth permissions.
  2. The SDK comes with logging, and if you want to view the log in the SD card, please to use "LogModule". The log path is : root directory of SD card/mokoBeaconX/mokoBeaconX.txt. It only records the log of the day and the day before.