
Example of using AIHostAdapter for Illustrator within a Bolt-CEP project

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Bolt AIHostAdapter Demo

This panel is very barebones and relies on AIHostAdapter to function, which you must install manually in your program files as an SDK extension. This panel receives a call each time the selection of the document is changed to update in console as an example of how to implement AIHostAdapter in a Bolt project.

With Bolt

If you're using a project created from Bolt-CEP, you'll need to explicitly import and export required objects from the HostAdapter file located here:

//    ./src/public/BoltHostAdapter.js

import { CSInterface, CSEvent } from "../js/lib/cep/csinterface"; // We need to pull CSInterface from Bolt first

 * EventAdapter provides the base implementation for Creative Cloud
 * application-specific event adapter libraries.
 * ...

export { AIEventAdapter, AIEvent }; // then export our needs from this file

Then you're free to import and use the HostAdapter as needed in your project:

// ./src/js/main.vue

// @ts-ignore - Since HostAdapter isn't explicitly typed, linting throws an error we'll ignore
import { AIEventAdapter, AIEvent } from "../../public/BoltHostAdapter.js";

const adapter = AIEventAdapter.getInstance();
adapter.addEventListener(AIEvent.ART_SELECTION_CHANGED, async (e: any) => {
  console.log("Host Adapter triggered:");
console.log(AIEventAdapter); // Successfully fires each time a user changes selection in app (even empty so includes any click on canvas, really)

Without Bolt

If you're trying to get HostAdapter to work with a smaller or simpler project that isn't generated from Bolt-CEP and Vite, the needs are essentially the same as any other library.

<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
    <title>My CEP PAnel</title>
    <!-- Manually include it in the head of your HTML document, potentially after loading CSInterface.js -->
    <script src="./aiHostAdapter.js"></script>

A non-Bolt example of using the library can be found here with an unmodified file.