
for sharing basic salt setup

Primary LanguagePython

salt course

This repo is a basic set up of the most used features

The following is instructor notes and may not make sense to everyone


  • Installing salt
    • repo.saltstack.com
  • Master configuration (see configs folder)
  • Accepting keys
    • auto_accept: True is also an option
  • Issuing commands
    • targeting minions with grains or perl compliant regular expressions
    • modules, functions, arguments, and how to read documentation
  • States and top files
    • targeting in top files
    • environments
    • state.highstate vs state.apply
  • Grains
  • Pillars
  • jinja2
    • accessing pillar and grain data to populate states
  • debug mode and debug commands
    • salt-master -l debug
    • salt-call -l debug
    • state.show_sls <statename>
    • minion and master log files
    • sometimes a minion appears twice in the salt-key output?


  • Custom modules and runners
    • overriding built-in features
    • extending salt with new features
    • saltutil.sync_all (is also run by highstate)
  • Eventbus
    • going from automating to automatic
    • sending events via commands and states: salt-run event.send my/custom/event '{"foo": "bar"}'
  • Beacons (diskusage in pillars)
    • see the events in the eventbus
  • Reactors (diskwarning in runners)
    • react to beacons
    • presence events (accepting new keys, removing old ones)
    • makes various integrations to slack and other systems a possibility
  • Rest web API
    • needs its own user account, see the saltapi state
    • needs its own permissions, see the saltapi config file
    • finally restart the salt-api service
    • code example: api_example_rest.py


  • Returners (rethinkdb example)
    • what is a returner, architecture behind it
  • Pyobjects (nginx example)
    • all of python available, notice capitalisation of modules
  • Gitfs (golang example)
    • dodgy feature, hopefully it works
    • formulas uses "maps" to give sane defaults, typically based on OS
    • github.com/saltstack-formulas/golang-formula
  • AD Authentication
    • ldap protocol, will not be demoed but a config template is available
  • Salt client API
    • code example: api_example_client.py
  • Source code
    • github.com/saltstack/salt
    • find the test.ping function

Not covered but can be found in salts documentation

  • Exhaustive look at minion and master configuration files
  • External pillars (consul, json api, many more)
  • Orchestration
  • Proxy minions
  • Renderers (partly covered with Pyobjects)
  • Salt cloud
  • Salt mine (like grains, but more up-to-date)
  • Salt ssh (agentless minions)
  • Spm (salt package manager)
  • Syndics
  • Thorium
  • Transport (tcp, raet, zeromq)
  • Windows specificities (powershell, DSC)


  • vagrant 1.9.7 (or greater)
  • virtualbox 5 (or greater)


These scripts install salt and copies configuration files into their respective folders



vagrant up
vagrant ssh master
sudo salt '*' test.ping # confirm minions respond

# Optional
sudo salt '*' state.highstate    # install rethinkdb and set up salt-api
sudo service salt-master restart # enable salt returner
sudo service salt-api restart    # enable salt-api configs