Inverse.Finance web app

Interface and API for

Built using TypeScript, Next.js, React, Chakra UI, Vercel Serverless, Redis (Upstash) and Ethers.js.

Directory structure

abis - String-format abis
components - UI components
config - Constants (contract addresses, assets, etc)
hooks - Data-fetching
pages - Page routes
pages/api - API endpoints
public - Public Assets
theme - Chakra Theme
types - Types
util - Utility functions
variables - customize parameters (tokens, connectors, etc)
.github/workflows/cron.yaml - cron job workflow


Node version >= 18.16.1 and npm >= 9.5.1

Copy .env.example to .env.local and fill in the values

Run bun install -y and npm run dev (or bun run dev)