
Matlab classes for storing and operating on quantitative structure models (QSMs)

Primary LanguageMATLABGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Quantitative structure models - Blocks is a collection Matlab class definitions that are used for describing reconstructed or generated tree models.

Basic usage

The QSMB class contains the minimum API any type of QSM must provide. The class is abstract, and thus, for computations the user must initialize an QSMBCylindrical object for cylinder-based models, or create their own subclass of QSMB for any other type of models.

Creating models

Initializing a QSMBCylindrical can be done in various ways. Constructing a QSM requires the following cylinder-level information:

Cylinder start point [N x 3] Cylinder axis direction [N x 3] Cylinder length [N x 1] Cylinder radius [N x 1] Cylinder parent index [N x 1] Cylinder branch index [N x 1] Cylinder added status [N x 1] (Optional)

All other data is derived from these values. Derived values include cylinder extensions, branch order, cylinder index inside branch, flag for last cylinders in each branch, and branch level properties such as branch angles, volumes, lengths and heights.

Required data can be passed into the class constructor in the following formats. To demonstrate the initialization process lets consider the following example data.

% Cylinder start point      [N x 3]
Sta = [ ...
     0  0  0; ...
     0  0  1; ...
     1  0  2; ...
     0  0  1; ...
     0  1  2; ...
     0  0  1; ...
     0 -1  2; ...
     0  0  1; ...
    -1  0  2; ...

% Cylinder axis direction   [N x 3]
Axe = [ ...
     0.000  0.000  1.000; ...
     0.707  0.000  0.707; ...
     1.000  0.000  0.000; ...
     0.000  0.707  0.707; ...
     0.000  1.000  0.000; ...
     0.000 -0.707  0.707; ...
     0.000 -1.000  0.000; ...
    -0.707  0.000  0.707; ...
    -1.000  0.000  0.000; ...

% Cylinder length           [N x 1]
Len = [ ...
    1.000; ...
    1.414; ...
    1.000; ...
    1.414; ...
    1.000; ...
    1.414; ...
    1.000; ...
    1.414; ...
    1.000; ...

% Cylinder radius           [N x 1]
Rad = [ ...
    0.3; ...
    0.2; ...
    0.1; ...
    0.2; ...
    0.1; ...
    0.2; ...
    0.1; ...
    0.2; ...
    0.1; ...

% Cylinder parent index     [N x 1]
Par = [ ...
    0; ...
    1; ...
    2; ...
    1; ...
    4; ...
    1; ...
    6; ...
    1; ...
    8; ...

% Cylinder branch index     [N x 1]
BI = [ ...
    1; ...
    1; ...
    1; ...
    2; ...
    2; ...
    3; ...
    3; ...
    4; ...
    4; ...

% Cylinder added status     [N x 1] or empty.
Added = [];

Triangulated stem is optional and should be given as a struct with the fields vertices, faces and cylinders.

Tris = struct();

% Vertex coordinates of triangle stem.
Tris.vertices = [ ...
    -0.6 -0.6 0;
     0.7 -0.7 0;
     0.6  0.6 0;
    -0.7  0.7 0;
    -0.3 -0.3 1;
     0.2 -0.2 1;
     0.3  0.3 1;
    -0.2  0.2 1;

% Vertex indices of each face.
Tris.faces = [ ...
    1 6 5;
    1 2 6;
    2 7 6;
    2 3 7;
    3 8 7;
    3 4 8;
    4 5 8;
    4 1 5;
    5 6 7;
    5 7 8;
    1 3 2;
    1 4 3;

Indices of cylinders that are represented with the triangulated stem. Usually a vector of indices but in the example we only have the first cylinder.

Tris.cylinders = 1;

Format 1: Separate cylinder property matrices.

QSM = QSMBCylindrical(Sta,Axe,Len,Rad,Par,BI,Added,Tris);

Format 2: Struct with cylinder, branch and tree-level data fields.

% Initialize struct
ModelStruct.cylinder.start = Sta;
ModelStruct.cylinder.axis = Axe;
ModelStruct.cylinder.length = Len;
ModelStruct.cylinder.radius = Rad;
ModelStruct.cylinder.parent = Par;
ModelStruct.cylinder.branch = BI;
ModelStruct.triangulation.vert = Tris.vertices;
ModelStruct.triangulation.facet = Tris.faces;
ModelStruct.triangulation.cylid = max(Tris.cylinders);

% Initialize QSM.
QSM2 = QSMBCylindrical(ModelStruct);

Format 3: Cell-array with cylinder, branch and tree-level data.

CylData = [
% Rad Len      Sta                  Axe CPar CExt BI BO IIB Add
0.3 1.000  0  0  0  0.000  0.000  1.000    0    1  1  0   1   0;
0.2 1.414  0  0  1  0.707  0.000  0.707    1    2  1  0   2   0;
0.1 1.000  1  0  2  1.000  0.000  0.000    2    0  1  1   3   0;
0.2 1.414  0  0  1  0.000  0.707  0.707    1    4  2  1   1   0;
0.1 1.000  0  1  2  0.000  1.000  0.000    4    0  2  1   2   0;
0.2 1.414  0  0  1  0.000 -0.707  0.707    1    6  3  1   1   0;
0.1 1.000  0 -1  2  0.000 -1.000  0.000    6    0  3  1   2   0;
0.2 1.414  0  0  1 -0.707  0.000  0.707    1    8  4  1   1   0;
0.1 1.000 -1  0  2 -1.000  0.000  0.000    8    0  4  1   2   0;

BranchData = [
% BOrd   BPar   BVol   BLen   BAng   BHei
     0      0 0.4918 3.4140 0.0000 1.3333;
     1      1 0.2091 2.4140 0.7854 1.7499;
     1      1 0.2091 2.4140 0.7854 1.7499;
     1      1 0.2091 2.4140 0.7854 1.7499;

TreeData = [
 1.1192; % Total volume of the tree
 0.4918; % Volume of the trunk
 0.6273; % Total volume of all the branches
 2.0000; % Total height of the tree
 3.4140; % Length of the trunk
10.6560; % Total length of all the branches
 4.0000; % Total number of branches
 1.0000; % Maximum branch order
11.5058; % Total area of cylinders
 0.0000; % DBH = Diameter at breast height, from the QSM
 0.0000; % DBH from cylinder fitted to right place
 0.0000; % DBH from triangulation

% Cell array format of tree model data.
ModelCell = {CylData, BranchData, TreeData};

% Initialize QSM object.
QSM3 = QSMBCylindrical(ModelCell);

Format 4: Simple example model from string descriptor.

This type of initialization is only designed for demonstration purposes.

QSM4 = QSMBCylindrical('example');

Model inspection

Inspecting a QSMBCylindrical object gives us the following output.


% QSMBCylindrical with properties:
%     cylinder_start_point: [9×3 single]
%            cylinder_axis: [9×3 single]
%          cylinder_length: [9×1 single]
%          cylinder_radius: [9×1 single]
%          cylinder_parent: [9×1 uint16]
%       cylinder_extension: [9×1 uint16]
%    cylinder_branch_index: [9×1 uint16]
%    cylinder_branch_order: [9×1 uint8]
% cylinder_index_in_branch: [9×1 uint16]
%       cylinder_end_point: [9×3 single]
%       cylinder_mid_point: [9×3 single]
%         cylinder_is_last: [9×1 logical]
%           cylinder_added: [9×1 logical]
%             branch_count: 0
%             branch_order: [4×1 uint8]
%            branch_parent: [4×1 uint16]
%            branch_volume: [4×1 single]
%            branch_length: [4×1 single]
%             branch_angle: [4×1 single]
%            branch_height: [4×1 single]
%        has_triangle_stem: 0
%            stem_vertices: []
%               stem_faces: []
%       triangle_cylinders: []
%                    debug: 0
%             color_matrix: [10×3 double]
%              block_count: 9
%              tree_limits: [2×3 double]
%    fun_twig_distribution: @default_twig_param_dist
%       twig_length_limits: [0.0200 0.0500]

The number of geometric primitives, i.e., blocks/cylinders is stored in the block_count property.

NCylinder = QSM.block_count;

Branch count is similarly available in the branch_count property.

NBranch = QSM.branch_count;

Bounding box of the model is stored in the tree_limits property as a [2 x 3] element matrix, where the first row is the minimum point and the second the maximum.

BoundingBox = QSM.tree_limits;

Plotting models

A model can be visualized with the plot_model method. By default the model will be colored according to vertex height, and each cylinder will have 5 faces.

Plotting can be customized with various optional input arguments. See QSMBCylindrical.plot_model for details.

The function returns a PATCH object that can be used to manipulate the visualization afterwards.

hQSM = QSM.plot_model();
set(hQSM,'EdgeColor',[0 0 0]);

Plot model with more faces on each cylinder, close cylinder top and bottom and set color source as branch order. Additionally set EdgeColor as black to see the faces more clearly.

As the color source, i.e., order is a discrete quantity the color values from the constant object property color_matrix are used to visualize the different branch orders. In turn the current color_matrix is used for continuous color sources, like the default 'VertexHeight'.

QSM.plot_model( ...
    'Closed', ...
    'FaceCount',[10 20], ...
    'ColorSource','Order', ...
    'PlotOptions',{'EdgeColor',[0 0 0]} ...

Same as above but plot using the triangulated stem and use vertex height as color source.

QSM.plot_model( ...
    'TriangleStem', ...
    'Closed', ...
    'FaceCount',[10 20], ...
    'ColorSource','VertexHeight', ...
    'PlotOptions',{'EdgeColor',[0 0 0]} ...

Exporting models

A QSMBCylindrical object can be exported in various formats for visualization and further computations. The export method handles exporting tree data in to a file.

Export as a Polygon file format file (.PLY). Set face count to vary linearly between 5 and 10 based on cylinder radius and close cylinder top and bottom with a triangle fan. Also export color with the values computed from vertex height.

QSM.export( ...
    'PLY', ...
    'export_test.ply', ...
    'FaceCount',[5 10], ...
    'Closed', ...
    'ColorSource', ...
    'VertexHeight' ...

Export as a Wavefront OBJ file (.OBJ). Set face count to vary linearly between 5 and 10 based on cylinder radius and close cylinder top and bottom with a triangle fan. Export triangulated stem triangles and exclude respective stem cylinders.

OBJ files do not support color values directly and MTL support is still missing, thus no color values are given.

QSM.export( ...
    'OBJ', ...
    'export_test.obj', ...
    'TriangleStem', ...
    'FaceCount',[5 10], ...
    'Closed' ...

Export as a text file compatible with the qsm-blender-addons. The format is cylinder based rather than vertex-face-based. Color sources are supported and branch order is used as the color source.

QSM.export( ...
    'blender', ...
    'export_test.txt', ...
    'ColorSource', ...
    'Order' ...

There is also a text file format that contains all cylinder, branch and tree-level data. However, the final format of the text file is still being finalized and it may change.

QSM.export( ...
    'TXT', ...
    'export_test_all.txt' ...

Converting cylinders into vertices and faces inside Matlab can be done with the compute_geometry method. The only required argument is the face count by optional arguments are also available. See QSMBCylindrical.compute_geometry for details.

[Vertices,Faces] = QSM.compute_geometry( ...
    [5,10], ... % Envelope face count between 5 and 10.
    [], ...     % Optional filtering, i.e., only convert selected cyls.
    true, ...   % Use quads instead of triangles on envelope.
    true ...    % Use triangle fans to close cylinder top and bottom.

Compress and uncompress

Many of the values stored in a QSM are derived from a few key values. Thus, in order to save space when storing models, it is possible to compress the QSMBCylindrical objects by clearing out all the derived values.

Note that performing computations on compressed models should not be done as the results may be unexpected or lead to errors.

Compression status can be checked with the read-only property compressed. The value is TRUE when a model is compressed and FALSE otherwise.


A model can be compressed with the compress method.

QSMc = QSM.compress();

Checking the object properties of QSMc shows that most of them are indeed empty, thus saving space. Also note that the compressed property is now TRUE.


% QSMBCylindrical with properties:
%       cylinder_start_point: [9×3 single]
%              cylinder_axis: [9×3 single]
%            cylinder_length: [9×1 single]
%            cylinder_radius: [9×1 single]
%            cylinder_parent: [9×1 uint16]
%         cylinder_extension: []
%      cylinder_branch_index: [9×1 uint16]
%      cylinder_branch_order: []
%   cylinder_index_in_branch: []
%         cylinder_end_point: [0×3 double]
%         cylinder_mid_point: [0×3 double]
%           cylinder_is_last: []
%             cylinder_added: [9×1 logical]
%               branch_count: 0
%               branch_order: []
%              branch_parent: []
%              branch_volume: []
%              branch_length: []
%               branch_angle: []
%              branch_height: []
%          has_triangle_stem: 0
%              stem_vertices: []
%                 stem_faces: []
%         triangle_cylinders: []
%                      debug: 0
%               color_matrix: [10×3 double]
%                block_count: 9
%                tree_limits: []
%      fun_twig_distribution: @default_twig_param_dist
%         twig_length_limits: [0.0200 0.0500]
%                 compressed: 1

Uncompressing a model can be done with the uncompress method.

QSM = QSMc.uncompress();

Inspection shows that derived property values have been restored.


% QSMBCylindrical with properties:
%       cylinder_start_point: [9×3 single]
%              cylinder_axis: [9×3 single]
%            cylinder_length: [9×1 single]
%            cylinder_radius: [9×1 single]
%            cylinder_parent: [9×1 uint16]
%         cylinder_extension: [9×1 uint16]
%      cylinder_branch_index: [9×1 uint16]
%      cylinder_branch_order: [9×1 uint8]
%   cylinder_index_in_branch: [9×1 uint16]
%         cylinder_end_point: [9×3 single]
%         cylinder_mid_point: [9×3 single]
%           cylinder_is_last: [9×1 logical]
%             cylinder_added: [9×1 logical]
%               branch_count: 0
%               branch_order: [4×1 uint8]
%              branch_parent: [4×1 uint16]
%              branch_volume: [4×1 single]
%              branch_length: [4×1 single]
%               branch_angle: [4×1 single]
%              branch_height: [4×1 single]
%          has_triangle_stem: 0
%              stem_vertices: []
%                 stem_faces: []
%         triangle_cylinders: []
%                      debug: 0
%               color_matrix: [10×3 double]
%                block_count: 9
%                tree_limits: [2×3 single]
%      fun_twig_distribution: @default_twig_param_dist
%         twig_length_limits: [0.0200 0.0500]
%                 compressed: 0

Model transformations.

This example generates a specified number of copies of the example QSM and translates, rotates and scales the copies on the circumference of a circle of given radius. The result is visualized by plotting all models in a single figure.

Basic parameters for generation. Number of models and circle radius.

% Number of transformed models.
NModel = 10;

% Radius of circle.
rad = 15;

Generate transformation parameters.

% Generate angles of trees.
ang = linspace(0, -2*pi, NModel + 1);
ang = ang(1:end-1);

% Generate scales of trees.
sca = linspace(1, 3, NModel);

% Convert polar coordinates to Cartesian for translation.
[x, y, z] = pol2cart(...
    ang, ...
    repmat(rad, 1, NModel), ...
    zeros(1, NModel) ...

% Collect components to single matrix.
tra = [x(:), y(:), z(:)];

% Convert angles to degrees.
ang = rad2deg(ang);

Create the base model that is then transformed in a loop.

QSM = QSMBCylindrical('example');

Open figure and make sure it is cleared, because patch objects, do not seem to respect the hold status.

f = figure(1);


Generate transformed models in loop and plot each transformed model in the current figure. Cylinder branch index is used for coloring as it separates individual branches well.

for iModel = 1:NModel

    % Rotate by negative angle.
    QSMi = QSM.rotate(-ang(iModel));

    % Translate to circle circumference.
    QSMi = QSMi.translate(tra(iModel,:));

    % Scale by given factor.
    QSMi = QSMi.scale(sca(iModel));

    % Plot model and use coloring that highlights orientation.
    hold on;


hold off;

The resulting collection of QSM is visualized below in transformation_example.png. The 10 models are in a circular formation, growing in scale when moving clockwise along the circumference.

Transformation example