
An example of how to create a AWS Lambda function using the current .Net Core CLI tools

Primary LanguageC#

The current AWS docs for .NET Lambda functions are wrong.

They use the package.json method, which is now deprecated.

This example shows how to get it working with the latest .NET Core tools.

Creating the zip file for AWS Lambda

Clone this repository

Method 1: Docker

docker build -f Dockerfile.deploy -t lambdaexample .
docker run -v $(PWD)/LambdaExample:/app lambdaexample

Method 2: .NET Core CLI

Install .NET Core CLI using this guide https://www.microsoft.com/net/core

cd LambdaExample
dotnet restore
dotnet lambda package -c Debug -f netcoreapp1.1

Uploading the zip file

Using either method, you should end up with a .zip file at ./LambdaExample/bin/Debug/netcoreapp1.1/

Upload this zip file to your AWS Lambda function

The handler function should be "LambdaExample::lambda.Hello::MyHandler"

Sample lambda test data:

    "Body": "Howdy"

You can also hit this function with Amazon API Gateway

Unit tests

Method 1: Docker

docker build -f Dockerfile.test -t lambdatest .
docker run lambdatest

Method 2: .NET Core CLI

Install .NET Core CLI using this guide https://www.microsoft.com/net/core

cd LambdaExample.Tests
dotnet restore
dotnet test