
Completely rewritten menu system for Sonic R

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


JSONMenu is a rewrite of Sonic R's menu system meant to make customization, expandability and testing much, much easier than the vanilla menu.


  • Launch Sonic R into a race from the command line
  • Define your own styles with your own custom mod (See the SonicRushMenu project for an example)
  • Easily add options from your mod to an existing menu
  • Faster and quieter


  • Move graphics, font, and music routines into a seperate "libcore" sort of library
  • Finish Sonic Rush example menu (only title screen is implemented right now)
  • Add support for mod-defined racers and tracks (likely will be rolled into that "libcore" thing)
  • Add multiplayer support
  • Port Options menu
  • Add ability to specify screen alignment of a Menu2DElement

Command Line Quick Reference

(Assuming no other theming mods are installed) Call SonicR.exe with the following arguments:

  • qstart=gp : Start race as Sonic (character 0) in Resort Island in Grand Prix mode

  • qstart=tt : Start race as Sonic (character 0) in Resort Island in Normal Time Attack mode

  • gp [racer id] [track id] : Start race as given racer in given track in Grand Prix mode

  • tt [tt mode] [racer id] [track id] : Start race as given racer in given track in given Time Attack mode

  • [racer id]: One of

    • sonic
    • tails
    • knux
    • amy
    • robotnik
    • msonic
    • dtails
    • mknux
    • eggrobo
    • ssonic
  • [track id]: One of

    • island
    • city
    • ruin
    • factory
    • emerald
  • [tt mode]: One of

    • normal
    • reverse
    • balloon
    • tag4

API Quick Reference

Include the export directory in a new DLL project. To define a new style, do the following:

  1. Define SonicRModInfo and Init to make the mod loader happy
  2. Create a new class that extends MenuSelector and defines
    • Constructor: Reads the JSON for that style and populates the menu
    • loadTextures: Loads whatever textures are needed, not including any textures required by option icons.
    • draw: Updates and draws the menu elements
    • hscroll: Horizontal scroll action. Typically just moves the current selection or sub-selection.
    • vscroll: Vertical scroll action. Typically just moves the current selection or sub-selection.
    • querySelection: Gets the currently selected option
    • querySubSelection: For options with sub-options, gets the current suboption. Otherwise returns -1.
    • doAction: If your theme supports custom actions (eg: changing the background, transitions, etc.) put them here
  3. Define a constructor function that returns a new instance of your style class as a void *
    1. Load JSONMenu.dll using LoadLibrary, and relevant functions using GetProcAddress
    2. Check that the result of MajorVersion == 1. Alert user and return false otherwise.
    3. To register your style, call AddMenuClass with a std::pair containing your class name and the constructor function you created earlier.
    4. To add or replace an existing menu, call AddMenu(dump_json(filepath).GetObject()); where filepath is a JSON file containing a single menu.
    5. To add or replace an existing menu option, call AddMenuOption(dump_json(filepath).GetObject()); where filepath is a JSON file containing a single option.
    6. Free the JSONMenu.dll library!

If you're stuck, refer to the example project in the SonicRushMenu folder, which defines a custom title screen mimicking the Sonic Rush title screen.

JSON Quick Reference

Important notes

  • The screen is 640x480. For widescreen displays, negative values will still be shown.
  • Colors are stored in the format "0xAaRrGgBb". Sonic R uses "0xFFE0E0E0" for most graphics for some reason.
  • Menus run at 60FPS, or probably whatever your monitor's refresh rate is

Annotated example

	"id": "test", // ID that will be used for goto commands and the command line interface
        "layout": { // See below
            "class": "simple_vertical", // One of the defined style classes
            "properties": { // Style-specific properties. See below
                "xoff": 200,
                "yoff": 400,
                "selcolor": "0xFFFFFFFF"
        "timeout": {
		"time": 600, // Frames to show menu for
		"actions": [...] // Actions to be performed when time runs out. After all actions, returns to previous menu
        "music": "mods/MyCoolStyle/music/menu.adx", // Music to play in ADS, OGG, BRTSM, etc.
        "background": {
            "src": "mods/MyCoolStyle/art/bg.raw" // Optional background to display. Can be in PNG or RAW. Must be 640x480.
        "options": [
                "id": "start", // ID used for command line interface
                "text": "Press Start Button", // Text to display on menu
		"icon": { // Icon to display on menu
                    "filepath": "bin/option/smode00.raw", // Path to 256x256 PNG or RAW texture to use
                    "x": 0, // X position of icon in texture
		    "y": 160, // Y position of icon in texture
		    "w": 56, // Width of icon in texture
		    "h": 48, // Height of icon in texture
		    "scale": 2 // Integer scaling factor
		"condition": {
		    "getInt": [address] // Address of Int32 to test against
		    "value": [integer] // Disabled option unless [address] == value
                "actions": [ // List of actions to perform. See below.
                    {"goto": "root"}

Style Classes

  • simple_vertical: Just a simple vertical menu with no scrolling
    • xoff: Position menu starts from the left side of the screen
    • yoff: Position menu starts from the top side of the screen
    • xspacing: Spacing between icon and text
    • yspacing: Spacing between menu options
    • basecolor: Color of unselected text
    • selcolor: Color of selected text
    • disabledcolor: Color of disabled text
    • brightcolor: Color used for icons & graphics. (white)
  • scroll_vertical: Like simple_vertical except it scrolls up and down to accommodate many options
    • xoff: Position menu starts from the left side of the screen
    • yoff: Position menu starts from the top side of the screen
    • xspacing: Spacing between icon and text
    • yspacing: Spacing between menu options
    • basecolor: Color of unselected text
    • selcolor: Color of selected text
    • disabledcolor: Color of disabled text
    • brightcolor: Color used for icons & graphics. (white)
    • scrollspeed: Speed to scroll at, in pixels/frame
  • scroll_horizontal: Horizontal layout that scrolls
    • xoff: Position menu starts from the left side of the screen
    • yoff: Position menu starts from the top side of the screen
    • xspacing: Spacing between menu options
    • yspacing: Spacing between icon and text
    • basecolor: Color of unselected text
    • selcolor: Color of selected text
    • disabledcolor: Color of disabled text
    • brightcolor: Color used for icons & graphics. (white)
    • scrollspeed: Speed to scroll at, in pixels/frame


  • {functcall: [address]}: Calls the given address, which is assumed to be a function that takes no arguments and returns no arguments.
  • {setInt: [address], value: [integer]}: Sets the Int32 at [address] to [integer].
  • {goto: [menuID]}: Suspends the current menu as-is and starts execution of the menu given by [menuID].
  • {stopmusic: true}: Stops any currently playing music.
  • {startgame: true}: Starts the game with the current settings. Be careful; without proper setup this WILL crash the game!