
University "tests generator" application in Ruby on Rails (example app for WEB course on Unicorn College)

Primary LanguageRuby

Git Repository with project form lectures is at: https://github.com/Inza/ror-plantation-v2


Model Diagram

You can generate the UML diagram at: https://www.planttext.com/

enum Difficulty {

Subject "1" <-- "n" Topic
Subject "1" <-- "n" Test

Topic "1" <-- "0..n" TopicAssignment
Test "1" <-- "0..n" TopicAssignment

Question "1" <-- "0..n" QuestionAssignment
Test "1" <-- "0..n" QuestionAssignment

Topic "1" <-- "n" Question
Question "1" <-- "0..n" Answer
Question "1" <-- "0..n" Difficulty

StudyProgram "1" <-- "0..n" SubjectAssignment
Subject "1" <-- "0..n" SubjectAssignment

Ruby Installation Tutorial

  1. [MAC ONLY] Install Xcode from Mac App Store (you need build tools from it)
  2. [MAC ONLY] Install Homebrew https://brew.sh/
  3. [MAC ONLY] Install gpg brew install gpg
  4. [WINDOWS ONLY] Install Ruby and Rails from Rails Installer http://railsinstaller.org/
  5. [WINDOWS ONLY] Install Git for Windows https://git-for-windows.github.io/
  6. [MAC ONLY] Update Git for Mac brew install git
  7. [MAC & Linux ONLY] Install RVM https://rvm.io
  8. [MAC ONLY] Install Xcode Command Line Tools xcode-select --install
  9. [MAC & Linux ONLY] Install Ruby 2.4.2 by rvm install 2.4.2
  10. [MAC & Linux ONLY] Select the installed Ruby 2.4.2 in RVM and use it by default rvm use 2.4.2 --default
  11. [MAC & Linux ONLY] Install Bundler by gem install bundler
  12. [MAC & Linux ONLY] Install Rails by gem install rails
  13. We will be using Ruby 2.4.2 and Rails 5.1.4 (on Windows Ruby 2.3.3 and Rails 5.1)
  14. Go to folder where you would like to have the new app
  15. Create new Rails app by rails new my-app
  16. Go to the generate folder by cd my-app
  17. Type 2.4.2 into .ruby-version (create file called .ruby-version and type 2.4.2 into it - or 2.3.3 on Windows)
  18. Adjust Gemfile
  19. Install all new gems (ruby dependencies) by bundle install
  20. Run you app by rails server or rails s
  21. Open (on Mac/Linux) or localhost:3000 (on Windows) in your browser to see Rails homepage
  22. [If you cloned this git repository] Open or or localhost:3000/tests in your browser to see the generated tests administration