Ranbooru for ComfyUI

Alt text Ranbooru is an extension for the comfyUI. The purpose of this extension is to add a node that gets a random set of tags from boorus pictures. This is mostly being used to help me test my checkpoints on a large variety of tags. Alt text


Just clone this repository into the custom_nodes folder of ComfyUI. Restart ComfyUI and the extension should be loaded.


These are the nodes available in the Ranbooru extension:


This node will get a random set of tags from boorus pictures. Parameters:

  • Booru: The booru to get the tags from.
  • Tags: The tags to search for.
  • remove_tags: The tags to remove from the search. replaced as a new node
  • max_tags: The maximum amount of tags to get. replaced as a new node
  • rating: The mature rating of the picture.
  • change_color: Change this if you want a colored or a black and white picture.
  • use_last_prompt: If you want to use the last prompt as the tags.
  • return_picture: If you want to return the picture as well.

Ranbooru URL

This node will get the tags from a specific picture.

  • booru: The booru to get the tags from.
  • url: The url of the picture. You can also pass the ID of the picture.
  • return_picture: If you want to return the picture as well.

Random Picture Path

This node will get a random picture from a specific path.

  • path: The path to get the picture from.
  • include_subfolders: If you want to include subfolders in the search.


The PromptMix node is used to mix the words in a given prompt. It supports three types of mixing: 'Shuffle', 'Reverse', and 'Inverse'. The type of mix is determined by the mix_type parameter.

  • prompt: A string that represents the prompt to be mixed.
  • delimiter: A string that represents the delimiter used to split the prompt into words.
  • mix_type: A string that represents the type of mix to be applied. It can be 'Shuffle', 'Reverse', or 'Inverse'.


The PromptLimit node is used to limit the number of words in a given prompt. The number of words is determined by the limit parameter.

  • prompt: A string that represents the prompt to be limited.
  • separator: A string that represents the separator used to split the prompt into words.
  • limit: An integer that represents the maximum number of words allowed in the prompt.


The PromptRandomWeight function is used to randomly select one or more words from a given prompt and give them a random weight based on a user-defined range. The number of words to be selected is determined by the num_words parameter.

  • prompt: A string that represents the prompt to be weighted.
  • separator: A string that represents the separator used to split the prompt into words.
  • min_weight_value: A float that represents the minimum weight value allowed.
  • max_weight_value: A float that represents the maximum weight value allowed.
  • max_weight_tags: An integer that represents the number of words to be selected.
  • order: A string that represents the order in which the words will be selected. It can be 'random' or 'ordered'.


The PromptBackground function is used to add a background context to a given prompt.

  • prompt: A string that represents the prompt to be given a background context.
  • background: A string that represents the background context to be added to the prompt.


The PromptRemove function is used to remove specified words from a given prompt.

  • prompt: A string that represents the prompt to be processed.
  • words_to_remove: A list of strings that represents the words to be removed from the prompt.


The LockSeed node is used to lock the seed for the random number generator. This is useful when you want to generate the same random numbers across different nodes.

  • use_last: Lock the seed to the last seed used.


The TimestampFileName node is used to generate a timestamp-based file name. The file name is generated based on the current date and time.

  • filename: A string that represents the prefix to be added to the file name.

Found an issue?

If you found an issue with the extension, please report it in the issues section of this repository.

Check out my other scripts for 1111automatic

Made by Inzaniak

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