
InLine is highly customizable plugin for IntelliJ IDEA and other JetBrains IDEs that shows errors and hints inline

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT


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!! Deprecation warning !!

I'm not interested in developing InLine and using IntelliJ IDEA anymore since JetBrains dropped support for Free Rust Plugin and started focusing on new UI that is IMO ugly. I don't like the direction this IDE is going and decided to switch away.

You should consider using alternative plugins:

You can consider using alternative IDE:

  • VSCode - feature & plugin Rich IDE with not great UI (By Microsoft).
  • Lapce - Middleground between VIM & VSCode with fast user-friendly UI similar to old IntelliJ IDEA UI, modal editing and built-in LSP & Inline errors. Lacks certain features, But is written in Rust so you can contribute.

InLine is highly customizable plugin that shows errors and hints inline.

Also supports gutter icons, colorful background and special effects.

  • Errors are filtered on the line by priority
  • Supports different fonts and languages
  • Supports different hints styles After Line, Rust Style

Settings > Appearance & Behaviour > ⚙ InLine


  • Hide/Show all errors alt K
  • Change text style (After/Underline) alt L

In plugin settings you can:

  • Show or hide specific level of errors - error, warning, weak warning, information
  • Change text colors & text visibility for each error level
  • Change text style to make it appear after line end or under line
  • Change background colors & background visibility for each error level
  • Change gutter icons visibility for each error level and select number of gutter icons
  • Apply additional effect
  • Change font of the hints
  • Ignore some errors by description


There are already multiple plugins like this inspired by VSCode ErrorLens extension - check Inspired by section. I've decided to make my own because I want to have some extra features for code writing and demonstration purposes such as:

  • Fill background of whole line
  • Show error icons in gutter area for different kinds of errors
  • Turn hint text off but make background stay


In the future I am planning to add more customization such as:

  • New effects
  • Error description changing
  • Additional ways to filter errors


This plugin is open source. You can report bugs and contribute at GitHub.

Change notes:

  • 1.3.0 - Add hide & change text type actions & bug fixes
  • 1.2.0 - Update to latest IntelliJ version (2023.2)
  • 1.1.1 - Update to latest IntelliJ version
  • 1.1.0 - Add Rust Style Errors that are shown under line similar to Rust compiler messages
  • 1.0.1 - Bug fixes & Font change support (Fix Chinese characters being shown as ?)
  • 1.0 - Release