Hi, I'm Ionut and I like to think about myself that I'm a determined person and eager to learn new things constantly.
Bucharest, Romania
Pinned Repositories
In this project I wanted to implement some functions of encryption or processing of a string to gain a better understanding of how to think and program in assembly.
A program for finding the shortest route between two points and the time it takes in the form of a cost depending on different situations such as traffic jams, vehicle size restrictions or speed restrictions.
The program implements the similar functionalities of an auction house by offering customers the opportunity to view various products put up for auction, so that later through a broker who retains a commission, they can participate in the auction for various products they want. At the same time the administrators of such a system can add new products to the auction house, while brokers have the right to remove the products sold. The implementation uses some of the basic design patterns such as Singleton, Factory, Builder, Observer in compliance with OOP principles such as abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism.
Aplicatia pe care am realizat-o consta intr-o reprezentare a unui sistem de detectie folosind senzorul ultrasonic HC-SR04 pentru a detecta obstacole de la diverse distante si a aprinde conform distantei masurate un LED care sa afirme aceasta distanta atat fizic pe breadboard cat si in interfata din LabView.Pentru a folosi cat mai mult din ceea ce poate oferi acest senzor si a imita cat mai bine un radar aerian am atasat senzorul ultrasonic la un servo motor SG90 care se poate roti in raza 0-180 grade.
A program that can manage the stocks of a store that offers the possibility to add discounts on products and interpret the data for a pleasant user experience. The data is read using CSV files. It implements a series of basic design patterns and respects the principles of OOP. The console with commands offers the possibility of preferential selection of the actions that take place on the store.
Ionut-Iordache-I's Repositories
In this project I wanted to implement some functions of encryption or processing of a string to gain a better understanding of how to think and program in assembly.
A program for finding the shortest route between two points and the time it takes in the form of a cost depending on different situations such as traffic jams, vehicle size restrictions or speed restrictions.
The program implements the similar functionalities of an auction house by offering customers the opportunity to view various products put up for auction, so that later through a broker who retains a commission, they can participate in the auction for various products they want. At the same time the administrators of such a system can add new products to the auction house, while brokers have the right to remove the products sold. The implementation uses some of the basic design patterns such as Singleton, Factory, Builder, Observer in compliance with OOP principles such as abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism.
Aplicatia pe care am realizat-o consta intr-o reprezentare a unui sistem de detectie folosind senzorul ultrasonic HC-SR04 pentru a detecta obstacole de la diverse distante si a aprinde conform distantei masurate un LED care sa afirme aceasta distanta atat fizic pe breadboard cat si in interfata din LabView.Pentru a folosi cat mai mult din ceea ce poate oferi acest senzor si a imita cat mai bine un radar aerian am atasat senzorul ultrasonic la un servo motor SG90 care se poate roti in raza 0-180 grade.
A program that can manage the stocks of a store that offers the possibility to add discounts on products and interpret the data for a pleasant user experience. The data is read using CSV files. It implements a series of basic design patterns and respects the principles of OOP. The console with commands offers the possibility of preferential selection of the actions that take place on the store.