Wenling LiuJiaTong

This project aims to implement a simple Wenling LiuJiaTong game. Wenling LiuJiaTong is popular in Wenling area of Taizhou. It consists of 6 people playing four-deck with a total of 216 cards, of which 3 people in a group are called Dujia.

Get started!

This project is fully implemented using python(>=3.9.0).

Start server/main.py on the server, players/onlookers can connect to start game.

Now we have implemented reconnecting mechanism, it use local cookie to resume.

  • For server: Now it can serve forever for every game and don't need to restart if anything ok.
  • For client: So if you want to execute multiple clients on one machine, you need to add -n flag to disable local cookie. Also the last client cookie will be saved and other cookies will disappear.
# start server
python3 ./server
# start client
python3 ./client
# start multiple clients on one machine
python3 ./client -n


This game can be run on Windows/Linux/Mac, but needs underlying terminal to support ANSI escape code.

There are something you need to care before playing.

  • Windows: It's recommanded to use Windows Terminal, you can find it in Microsoft software store. Cmd/Powershell before Windows10 doesn't support ANSI escape code.
  • Linux: There is nothing needs to care for now.
  • Mac: In some terminals, blinking text is disabled. You can enable it by checking Preferences > Check Profiles > Text > Blinking text allowed.


Contributions are very welcome!