
A simple BTC to NGN calculator built with ruby and graphql.

Primary LanguageRuby

How to use

Clone the repo https://github.com/Iphytech/btc_calculator.git to your computer

change to the project directory

NB: There is no database (because we ain't going to make use of it).

go to the terminal and run bundle or bundle install

We are making use of Net::HTTP for the restful api calls - Read more about it here (https://apidock.com/ruby/Net/HTTP)

And we are consuming data from Coindesk APi endpoint

Start the project and test what we have built

rails s or rails server

Then open your browser and type http://localhost:3000/graphiql

sample request

    type: "sell"
    margin: 0.1
    exchangeRate: 370.0
  ) {

sample response

  "data": {
    "calculatePrice": {
      "price": 2937074.4355499996

NB: If you encounter this error message when serving the app Your Yarn packages are out of date!

Please run yarn install --check-files to update.