
A java data structure project. This project is implemented in java. where I use tries to strong words and there meaning in urdu language.

Primary LanguageJava


A java data structure project. This project is implemented in java. where I use tries to strong words and there meaning in urdu language.

This my project of data structure. I build this dictionary using trie data struture. The reason behind using tries is that its very fast in search. Inother words tries data structure gives us constant time access and search because Tries search doesn't depends upon dictionary size. It only depends upon word length. The disadvantage of trie data structure is that it takes lot of memory. So, it takes more space then other data structure.

I build its User Interface in java swing. where i create a class maininterface where i design interface and implements its functionality.

In trie.java file i create tries data structure insert and search methods. I also build autocomplete method in tires data struture class.

to run the application in run main interface java class.

YouTube video link: https://youtu.be/Qki8fRaFOMc

here is the link drive link to download setup file of dictionary: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WPw5KDJoDAloqn1iRN7x1cVNjJYDCKwl/view?usp=sharing open this link to download setup file from drive and install it in your PC.