Project Details and installation Processes:

About Project: This project is based on an assigned task. And the task is create authentication system (Registration, Login, Reset and forget password, User Dashboard) Resources and Languages used: -XAMPP Server 5.1.1 -MySql -PHP 7.4.25 -bootstrap -jquery -JavaScript -Sweet Alert User Type:

  1. Admin User
  • Have full access to this site
  • manages contact us queries
  • can see Registered Users details
  • Manage all Pages content
  • Manage Subscribers
  • Update contact us information (Address, email, mobile no)
  1. Normal user:
  • Can register as new user
  • Login with the registered id (wrong entry will show alert .This alert is done by sweet alert)
  • Can see his/her basic information and can update
  • Can change password
  • Reset password through forget password
  • Ask FAQ or contact with designated people
  • Can subscribe through email -Get contact with social links

Installation: -Import database bhw.sql (available SQL File Folder inside zip package) For Normal User -Open Your browser put inside browser http://localhost/bangladeshhealthwatch/ -Login Details for user: -Username : -Password: 123 -Username : -Password: 123 -Username : -Password: 123

-For Admin Panel -Open Your browser put inside browser http://localhost/bangladeshhealthwatch/admin -Login Details for admin : -Username: admin -Password: Test@12345 -There are some screenshots in Screenshorts to understand the process.

Regard, Khandaker Maria Shabnam