
World of Wacraft Pixel reading bot, 100% out of process and safe to use.

Primary LanguageC#

Pixel Magic - where color unlocks the World of Warcraft

Developer and copyright owner: WiNiFiX
Project started in: January 2016
Project considered complete and ready for beta testing on: 2016.07.29

Last Readme Update: 2016.07.30
Note: This project will be getting delayed updates from 01 Aug 2016 for at least 1 month (from myself)
However Xcesius will be available on Discord should you have any queries during this time.

Latest Build:
For those of you whom don't know how to compile the source and run it you can download this version here then unzip the
"PixelMagic-master.zip" file and look in the "PixelMagic-master\PixelMagic\Builds" folder and run
the application "PixelMagic.exe"

Sample Rotations:
For a good working sample rotation (with Legion support) look at the DKUnholy.cs rotation file.
For a sample rotation which shows you how to create custom configuration screens for your rotation look at the Warrior.cs
rotation file.

Website for FAQ: here
Official Discord: here
Additional Sample Rotations: here
Supported Commands in combat routines will be updated on this spreadsheet: here
Instructions on how to use / test / build this version are on Discord along with support

Xcesius Rotations: here
Xcesius has been assisting with testing the rotations and developing his own custom ones, see the above GitHub for samples
Note: he will only update rotations in that folder, not the bot itself

Currently supports WoW Versions

  • Warlords of Dreanor
  • Legion

Sample screenshots
Alt Text
Alt Text
Sample ingame screenshot of the addon in action
Alt Text
Sample recount from Unholy DK in Legion
Alt Text

Sample Keybindings in-game (for Unholy DeathKnight)
Alt Text

How to setup your spellbook (sample for basic Unholy DeathKnight)
Alt Text

License Agreement
The software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including
but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and
noninfringement. In no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim,
damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from,
out of or in connection with the software or the use or other dealings in the software.

Anyone using / copying any part of the software must include this license

Icon backlink: HADezign

Supported Commands in combat routines

Returns true / false
 - WoW.HasTarget
 - WoW.PlayerIsCasting
 - WoW.TargetIsCasting
 - WoW.TargetIsVisible
 - WoW.TargetIsFriend
 - WoW.TargetIsEnemy
 - WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown(string spellBookSpellName)
 - WoW.IsSpellInRange(string spellBookSpellName)
 - WoW.CanCast(string spellBookSpellName, ...)
 - WoW.HasBuff(string buffName)
 - WoW.HasDebuff(string debuffName)
Returns int
 - WoW.CurrentRunes;
 - WoW.CurrentComboPoints;
 - WoW.CurrentSoulShards;
 - WoW.CurrentHolyPower;
 - WoW.HealthPercent;
 - WoW.TargetHealthPercent;
 - WoW.Power;
 - WoW.Focus;
 - WoW.Mana;
 - WoW.Energy;
 - WoW.Rage;
 - WoW.Fury;
 - WoW.RunicPower;
 - WoW.HasFocus;
 - WoW.GetBuffStacks(string auraName);
 - WoW.GetDebuffTimeRemaining(string debuffName);
 - WoW.GetDebuffStacks(string debuffName);
 - WoW.GetSpellCharges(string spellName);
Returns void
 - WoW.CastSpellByName(string spellBookSpellName)
 - Log.Write(string message, System.Drawing.Color c)
 - WoW.SendKeyAtLocation(Keys key, int x, int y)
 - WoW.SendMacro(string macro)
 - WoW.KeyDown(Keys Key) 		 // Make key a configurable setting !!!
 - WoW.KeyUp(Keys Key)   		 // Make key a configurable setting !!!
 - WoW.KeyPressRelease(Keys Key) // Make key a configurable setting !!!
Rotation Types
 - combatRoutine.Type = RotationType.SingleTarget or RotationType.AOE or RotationType.SingleTargetCleave 

Sample Combat Routine

// winifix@gmail.com
// ReSharper disable UnusedMember.Global
// ReSharper disable ConvertPropertyToExpressionBody

using PixelMagic.Helpers;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Threading;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace PixelMagic.Rotation
    public class DKUnholy : CombatRoutine
        public override string Name
                return "DK Unholy Rotation";

        public override string Class
                return "Deathknight";

        public override void Initialize()
            Log.Write("Welcome to DK Unholy", Color.Green);

        public override void Stop()

        public override void Pulse()        // Updated for Legion (tested and working for single target)
            if (combatRoutine.Type == RotationType.SingleTarget)  // Do Single Target Stuff here
                if (WoW.HasTarget && WoW.TargetIsEnemy)
                    if (!WoW.HasDebuff("Virulent Plague") && WoW.CurrentRunes >= 1 && WoW.CanCast("Outbreak", true, false, true, false, true))
                    if (WoW.CanCast("Dark Transformation", true, true, true, false, true))
                        WoW.CastSpellByName("Dark Transformation");
                    if ((WoW.CanCast("Death Coil", true, true, false, false, true) && (WoW.RunicPower >= 80)) || 
                        (WoW.HasBuff("Sudden Doom") && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Dark Arbiter")))
                        WoW.CastSpellByName("Death Coil");
                    if (WoW.CanCast("Festering Strike", true, true, true, false, true) && WoW.GetDebuffStacks("Festering Wound") <= 4)
                        WoW.CastSpellByName("Festering Strike");
                    if (WoW.CanCast("Clawing Shadows", true, true, false, false, true) && WoW.CurrentRunes >= 3)
                        WoW.CastSpellByName("Clawing Shadows");
            if (combatRoutine.Type == RotationType.AOE)
                // Do AOE stuff here
            if (combatRoutine.Type == RotationType.SingleTargetCleave)
                // Do Single Target Cleave stuff here if applicable else ignore this one

        public override Form SettingsForm { get; set; }

WoWVersion=Legion - 70000
Spell,85948,Festering Strike,D1
Spell,207311,Clawing Shadows,D3
Spell,47541,Death Coil,D4
Spell,194918,Blighted Rune Weapon,D5
Spell,63560,Dark Transformation,D6
Spell,207349,Dark Arbiter,Q
Aura,81340,Sudden Doom
Aura,194310,Festering Wound
Aura,191587,Virulent Plague