
Explore the cinematic world with Noxe Trending Movies, a React.js web app powered by The Movie Database (TMDb). Discover the latest trends in movies and TV shows, create a personalized profile, and delve into detailed information about your favorite films. Stay up-to-date on popular releases and make the most of your movie-watching experience.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Noxe Trending Movies

Welcome to Noxe Trending Movies, a React.js web application that allows users to explore and discover trending movies and TV shows. This project is powered by The Movie Database (TMDb) API, providing up-to-date and accurate information about the latest entertainment trends.


  • Trending Movies and TV Shows: Stay informed about the latest trends in the world of movies and television.

  • User Profiles: Create and personalize your user profile to keep track of your favorite movies and TV shows.

  • Detailed Information: Dive into comprehensive details about movies, including cast, crew, ratings, and more.

  • Authentication: Secure user authentication ensures a personalized experience.

Technologies Used

  • React.js
  • The Movie Database (TMDb) API
  • React Router
  • Context API for state management
  • JWT for user authentication
  • Vercel for deployment
  • Speed Insights for performance tracking

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository:
         git clone https://github.com/Irenaeus-XVI/noxe-trending-movies.git
  2. Change Directory:
         cd noxe-trending-movies
  3. Install dependencies:
         npm install
  4. Run the application:
         npm start
  5. Open in your browser:
         Visit http://localhost:3000 to explore Noxe Trending Movies.