This repository contains assignments delivered for Software Engineering in Practice course. The course is part of the curriculum of the Department of Management Science & Technology from the Athens University of Economics and Business and the project is assigned by Diomidis Spinellis and Antonis Gkortzis.
This repository's main folder seip2020_practical_assignments contains the following assignments:
Histogram Generator - creates a histogram from a given file of student's grades.
Unit Testing - runs multiple unit tests on math related classes.
Code Analyzer - extracts metrics of a given Java file while applying Design Patterns.
- Fork this repository to your GitHub account.
- Clone the forked repository to your local machine using
git clone link-of-forked-repository
. - Create a new working branch with
git branch new-branch
. - Change to your new branch with
git checkout new-branch
. - Follow the instructions given in each assignment's README.
Execute the following command in the repository root directory in order to build the project.
mvn clean install jacoco:report
This command will also generate a report of the code coverage produced by JaCoCo. The report will be located in the following path for each module:
To simply run the unit tests of the project, execute the following command:
mvn test
Note that only classes with a Test
suffix located in the src/test
will be executed and reported as tests.
You can also run each test independently using Eclipse by right-clicking on the preferred test and choose Run as -> Junit Test.
To simply run the unit tests of the project, execute the following Maven command:
mvn test jacoco:report
This projects utilizes TravisCI services in other to test and build the application upon each git-push
in the remote repository. There are multiple build environments in which the application will be tested and build. You can check these options under the jdk
tag in the .travis.yml
After each build, the badge is updated with the corresponding build status, green for passes and red for failures.
- Eclipse IDE 2020-03
- Java SE Development Kit 8
- Apache Maven 3.6.3
- Install Eclipse
- Install Java
- Setup Maven in Windows
- Setup Maven in Linux. Execute
sudo apt update && sudo apt install maven
in a terminal.
Antonis Gkortzis for the assignment template and instructions.