
VG-AMRCoref model.

Primary LanguagePython


1.script note

vgae_edge.py: a safe copy for vgae pretraining, allowing kld and edge predition, as well as edge type prediction. Edge type prediction doesn't help too much.

vgae.py: always in use.

2. files

pretrain_features_*.json: the MS-AMR sentence level for pretrianing

AMRcoref/data_pretrain_json/: this folder contains my preprocessed pretrain data in json and feature file

  • training.json: all training

  • pretrain_features_train.json: all training features of training.json

  • unsplit.json: not used

  • coref_training.json: all training but only coref-contained

  • neg_coref_training.json: negative samples of coref_training.json

  • coref_pretrain_feature_train.json: features of coref_training.json

  • neg_coref_pretrain_feature_train.json: features of neg_coref_training.json

(update on July, 27)

  • coref_training_with_coref_edges.json: select 11,506 with coref alignments from AMR 55k training corpus.

./data/corpora_base folder:

  • pretrain_vocab_new_features_*.json: the ones used for final evaluation, with negative sampling on the VGAE graph.

3. Inner and cross mentions

In coref_model.py, the original method:

def get_arg_classfication_emb(self, mention_emb, arg_predicted, gold_label):
    # a=1

    label = arg_predicted.tolist()[0]
    gold_label = gold_label.tolist()
    index, gold_index = [], []

    for i, l in enumerate(label):
        if l > 0:
    for i, l in enumerate(gold_label):
        if l > 0:
    if self.training:
        index = torch.tensor(gold_index).to(self.args.device)
        if len(index) == 0:
            # index = torch.tensor(gold_index).to(self.args.device)
            # print('xxxxxxxxxxx')
            index = torch.tensor(label).to(self.args.device)
            index = torch.tensor(index).to(self.args.device)
    emb = torch.index_select(mention_emb, 1, index)

    '''only keep the node label larger than 0'''
    return emb, index.unsqueeze(0)

4. Multi-hop Connections in VGAEs

To make stronger cross-sentence connections in vgae pretrianing.

In vgae.py, the original class is GCNConv, the best performed one. New version is called GCNConvMultihop.

The inputs['concept_class'] field is also added as a part of the input data.

5. Pretrain data

Under preprocessing_pretrain, 1_coref_check_for_vgae.py this is to check coref sentences using neurocoref tool, and we then use VGAE to predict coref link.

6. Run!

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=7 python train.py  \
        --ckpt pretraintest \
        --log_dir pretraintest \
        --gnn_type vgae \
        --test_data ./data/corpora_base/test \
        --random_seed 1024 \
        --num_epochs 20 \
        --pre_epochs 1 \
        --pretrain_data_size -1

1. Environment Setup

The code has been tested on Python 3.6 and PyTorch 1.6.0. All other dependencies are listed in requirements.txt.

Via conda:

conda create -n amrcoref python=3.6
source activate amrcoref
pip install -r requirements.txt

2. Data Preparation

We experiment with AMR 3.0 (LDC2020T02), please follow the preprocessing steps described in this Github Page.

Contact us for the preprocessed files and let us know that you are authorized to use LDC2020T02 data.

3. Training

python train.py

4. Citation