Fitness-tracker-versioned | Glitch Web Application

A starter project for learning Glitch.
This is an Express.js project, designed to work well with the Glitch development environment. It includes basic express setup, templating, routing and session support.

This project was started from a 'boilerplate' project providing foundation components for a starter application.
  - url:


Play Application deployed to the cloud using Heroku platform.
  - url:

Project Description

App implements routes + Model/View/Controller Architecture. These objects collaborate to support structured, predictable workflow.

Back-end - All written in Javascript + JSON.

 consists of:

  • Server - main entry point
  • Routes - supported urls
  • Controllers - objects to handle routes
  • Model - Javascript classes represent the information system
  • Config - .gitignore, .jscsrc, env, package.json,

Front-end - All written in HTML + handlebars.

 consists of:

  • Layouts - main entry point
    • Includes Fomantic-UI CSS library
    • All views are based on the structure laid down in layout/main.hbs
  • Partials - supported urls
  • Views - objects to handle the routes
