Enterprise Web Development - Assignment 2, Points of Interest Web Application - Node.
1. clone this repository:
$ https://github.com/Irhutchi/point-of-interest-web-app.git
2. Go to the repository
cmd: cd pointsofinterest-webapp
3. Isntall dependencies
cmd: npm install
4. Insert your environment variables.
Rename .env_sample** to .env and populate with your variables
5. Start the server locally on port 4000
cmd: node index.js
6. Login into app using dummy data provided in seed-data.json file
If you clone this repo you will need to open the project in an IDE and enter npm install into the command line. Npm install will download required dependencies defined in a package.json file and generates a node_modules folder with the installed modules.
Checkout the application deployed to heroku: https://castles-poi.herokuapp.com/
- Sign up / Login
- View / Update user account settings
- Show all POIs on a map
- Add Castles
- Add Categories
- Organise POIs into categories
- Update existing castles information
- Delete existing castle POI
- View / add review to castle POI
- Rate POI
- Expose access to models as a REST endpoint
- Test API endpoints using unit testing (mocha)
- Use any of the two login details below
Username | Password |
homer@simpson.com | secret |
bart@simpson.com | secret |
barney@grumble.com | secret |
The apps data model consists of the following entities.
- user
- inidviInterests
- category
- db
- review
- seed-data.json
UI: Handlebars | UIkit | Font Awesone Icons | heroku | leaflet.js
Components: Handlebars | dotenv | mongoose | mais-monogoose-seeder | mocha | chai | JsonWebToken | axios
Framework: Hapi | inert | vision | cookie | boom | Bell | Joi
Platforms: node | mongodb
Ian Hutchinson