
A simple FastAPI project to help students understand and get started building web applications/microservices.

Primary LanguagePython

W4111 - Intro. to Databases Starter Project

This is a simple FastAPI application project that has minor changes to the tutorial starter project..

The comments in main.py explain the minor changes.

The project was created using the project wizard in PyCharm The wizard installs Python packages. I added a requirements.txt to allow pip install -r requirements.txt

The application listens on port 8001. The path localhost:8001/docs will open the OpenAPI documenting the paths.

I added support for serving static files, e.g. web pages. localhost:8001/static/index.html is the only file. See the explanation in the FastAPI docs for serving static files.

The structure of the project is:

  • main.py the FastAPI main program the defines the routes.
  • requirements.txt defines the required python packages for pip install.
  • /static shows how to return "static files," i.e. HTML files.
    • /static/index.html a simple HTML file.
  • tts some unit tests. I do not use something like "tests" because PyCharm thinks I want to use some testing automation package. I would use automation in a larger project.
    • t_mysql_data_service unit tests MySQL interaction.
    • t_artist_resource unit tests the IMDB Artist resource for name_basics.
  • /resources contains the implementation of the resources.
    • base_data_service is an abstract base class for access to databases.
    • mysql_data_service is an implementation of base_data_service foe MySQL.
    • base_application_resource is an abstract base class for REST resources.
    • /imdb_resources is implementation of IMDB specific resources.
      • /artist_resource implements the resource for name_basics.