
Irish Demographic Polling Datasets

Primary LanguageR

Irish Demographic Polling Datasets

Detailed Report and Codebook (PDF)

Interactive Dashboard


The Irish Demographic Polling Datasets collect aggregated results on vote intentions, satisfaction with the government, and popularity of party leaders. The data are available for all respondents and various subsamples, such as age groups, gender, social class, geographic region, and district magnitude. Currently, the datasets consider over 100 polls, published between 2011 and 2023.

An detailed report (PDF) summarises the variables and structure of the data. The document also discusses advantages and limitations of subgroup analyses by addressing three questions relating to party politics.

In sub-folders of this repository, we provide three datasets:

  • The folder vote-intention contains data on first-preference vote intentions from Behaviour & Attitudes and RedC polls for all respondents and various demographic and geographic subsamples.
  • The folder government-satisfaction contains data on satisfaction with the government from Behaviour & Attitudes polls for all respondents and various demographic and geographic subsamples.
  • The folder party-leaders contains data on the approval of party leaders from Behaviour & Attitudes polls for all respondents and various demographic and geographic subsamples.

If available, we provide the data as weighted proportions and counts. Note that the sample size for some sub-groups can be very small, and results for these small samples need to be treated with caution.

File Formats

We provide all datasets in three file formats.

  • csv: The comma-separated values file ensures inter-operability as it can be opened in R, Pyhton, Stata, SPSS, and Excel.
  • dta: This file can be used to import the datasets with correct variable encodings into Stata.
  • rds: The RDS file is optimised for the R statistical programming language and stores the variables in the correct data type.

Interactive Dashboard

In addition to accessing the raw data, we have published an interactive dashboard. It allows you to interact with the Irish Demographic Polling Dataset in three simple steps:

  1. Select a data range.
  2. Choose the survey question of interest.
  3. Customize and adjust the plot according to your preferences.

Finally, you can download the subsetted data in a spreadsheet format or download the graph.


If you use these datasets for news reports or academic research, please citing:

Stefan Müller, Thomas Pluck, and Paula Montano (2024). Irish Demographic Polling Datasets. URL: https://github.com/Irish-Dem-Polling/datasets


We want to thank RedC Research and Behaviour & Attitudes for continuously publishing survey reports for the public. If you use individual surveys, please cite and reference the pollsters' reports rather than this dataset. Reports provided by Behaviour & Attitudes are available here. The reports released by RedC can be accessed here.