
ML model for personality trait recognition using structural metrics of Twitter tweets

Primary LanguagePython


A study by nerds. Okay, seriously. Scripts for personality trait recognition based on structural metrics of tweets.

Full paper: "Analyzing Structural Metrics to Predict Twitter User Personality Traits".
Made with @zivhd & @kildor22. Part of Project Personality by @EdTheAlchemist.

Structural Metrics:

  • Words per Tweet
  • Characters per word
  • Uppercase letters per Tweet
  • Punctuation marks per Tweet
  • Hashtags per Tweet
  • Mentions per Tweet
  • Links per Tweet
  • Emojis per Tweet
  • Emoticons per Tweet
  • Consecutive repeated characters per word (ex. "hmmm")
  • Consecutive repeated words per Tweet (ex. "pls pls pls")

Regression Models:

  • Mean regression (baseline)
  • Linear regression
  • Support vector regression


  • Personality traits based on Five Factor Model
  • Overwrite core.py from "emoji" library with the one in this repo
  • Raw data available only to authors

Directory tree/file descriptions:

├── figures  
│   └── ...all plots per trait-metric pair output by regression.py  
├── practice-data  
│   └── ...practice data files  
├── preprocessed-data  
│   ├── tweet_tweet_pp.csv  (not in repo due to file size)  
|   |   - all preprocessed tweets  
|   |   - output of preprocessing.py on project-data/twitter_tweet.csv  
│   ├── tweet_tweet_pp_practice.csv  
|   |   - output of preprocessing.py on practice-data/tweet_tweet.csv  
│   ├── twt_user_masterlist.csv  
|   |   - info of all twt users  
│   ├── twt_valid_user_masterlist.csv  
|   |   - info of all valid twt users  
│   └── user_metrics.csv  
|       - user metrics for all *valid* twt users  
├── project-data (not in repo due to file size)  
│   ├── user.csv  
│   ├── twitter_tweet.csv  
│   ├── twitter_data.csv  
│   └── personality_test.csv  
├── .gitignore  
├── changelog.txt  
├── core.py  
|   - used instead of core.py in python emoji library  
|   - tokenizes emojis  
├── count.py  
|   - py3, counts metrics for each user  
|   - input:  
|     - preprocessed-data/tweet_tweet_pp.csv  
|     - preprocessed-data/twt_user_masterlist.csv  
|     - preprocessed-data/twt_valid_user_masterlist.csv  
|   - output:  
|     - preprocessed-data/user_metrics.csv  
├── emoticons.txt  
|   - additional emoticons recognized in twts  
├── filter_users.py   
|   - py3, writes masterlist and filters invalid users  
|   - input:  
|     - project-data/twitter_data.csv  
|     - project-data/user.csv  
|     - project-data/personality_test.csv  
|   - output:  
|     - preprocessed-data/twt_user_masterlist.csv  
|     - preprocessed-data/twt_valid_user_masterlist.csv  
├── preprocessing.py  
|   - py2, performs tokenization  
|   - input:  project-data/twitter_tweet.csv  
|   - output: preprocessed-data/tweet_tweet_pp.csv  
├── project-data.zip  
├── README.md  
├── regression.py  
|   - py3, performs regression and outputs plots  
|   - input:  
|     - preprocessed-data/user_metrics.csv  
|     - preprocessed-data/twt_valid_user_masterlist.csv  
|   - output:  
|     - results.txt  
|     - plots in figures/  
└── results.txt  
    - RMSE & R^2 scores for regression on all trait-metric pairs