
Are you tired of playing hide and seek with your labelled science diagrams, math problems and study notes. Stop using slips of paper to cover things up. Try FlashC or AutoLabelit! Watch the magic of AI unfold in this project consisting of MATLAB, python and web dev


As a medical student, I was tired of using erasers and tiny slips of paper (sorry Mother Earth) to cover up labelled diagrams in my textbook to memorize their names and identify things. Similar existing solutions for self-study required a tedious hand labeling process.

What it does

It masks all definitions in a diagram or picture to help with memorization. Simply upload a picture and the program will output images with masked definitions that can be uncovered one by one.

How we built it

MATLAB , Shiny, and Python

Challenges we ran into

Choosing a challenge and clearly defining the scopes of our project was challenging, especially considering we only had 24 hours.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

We did it! We got the front-end and back-end connected in an aesthetically pleasing and functional way.

What we learned

All in all, we had a bunch of fun and created something simultaneously cool and realistically helpful.

What's next for UnLabelled

We would like to integrate this into the Anki open source plugin system. Anki is a popular online index card creation tool utilizing "spaced repetition."