#####"You have to feel it" - a users opinion about myTab. This extension provides you with a great productivity increment and a lot of useful information in your new tab. Download: https://goo.gl/VRsFZ2
###The first open source Newtab-Page for Google Chrome!
- Add your own lanugage!
- Add a card which is helpful for everyone
- Upload an awesome (free licensed) image
- Help with finding all the bugs
####What you are allowed to do, and what not:
You can download myTab and make it better. Please load it up in this repository again, because your update should help every user. Thank you very much.
###Coming Cards:
- Google Search Box with Mic -> maybe voice assistant api?
- Google+ Feed
- Google Calendar
- YouTube
- Digg
- Custom RSS Feed -> where does myTab get the permission to access all sites?
- Google Keep Notes
- Spotify Card
- Today on TV
- Stocks
###How to Create a new Card: (You don't need to be a pro) Open the file: js/cards.js A new Card Object need these attributes:
- headline: string
- content: string (-> Content of card)
- showsettings: (true:if the card has settings, 'plus' if it need a plus to add sth. and false if nothing of the two.
- permission: string (if the card needs extra permission -> declare it in manifest!)
- origin: string (if the card needs extra origin -> declare it in manifest!)
- init: function: this function happens everytime the page get loads and the card is init.
- optional if the card has settings or plus: you need the both functions settings (this will happen if the user click on the gear or plus, and the function apply will run if the user apply.
###How to add your language!
Create a new directory in _locales with the language shortcut from the language you're going to add. Copy the file "messages.json" from the english directory, and translate all the strings into your language. And now: enjoy myTab in your own language! :)