
Simulates the surface of a perfectly elastic circular drum upon impingement by any arbitrary disturbance.

Primary LanguagePython


Simulates the surface of a perfectly elastic circular drum upon impingement by an arbitrary disturbance.

from drumsim import Mode, CircularDrum

Drum Vibrations: Analysis

Modal Dynamics and Relations

# Generate all modes up to (3,4)
for m in range(0,4):
    for n in range(1,5):
        Mode(m,n,radius=1,c=1).sim(fpath = './Modes')

The n parameter

  • Below we observe that as n increases, so too does the number of circular nodes, that is, circles where the drum displacement is stationary at all times.
  • In the (0,1) case, there exists only the one circular node at the fixed rim of the drum which explains why n must begin at 1: there is always the one circular node conferred by the boundary condition. This is analogous to the modes of a vibrating guitar string always having two nodes at both ends.
  • For (0,2), another circular node has been added close to half the radial lenght of the drum, resulting in outer and inner anti-oscillating regions.
  • Finally, (0,4) shows four concentric nodes - as expected.
(0,1) (0,2)
SegmentLocal SegmentLocal
(0,3) (0,4)
SegmentLocal SegmentLocal

The m parameter

  • Below we observe that m corresponds to the number of diametral nodes: lines along the diameter where the drum displacement is stationary at all times.
  • In the (0,1) case (above), there exists no linear node which explains why m may begin at 0.
  • For (1,1), a single diameter has been added resulting in anti-oscillating regions at either half of the drum.
  • (4,1) shows four (radially equidistant) diametric lines
(1,1) (2,1)
SegmentLocal SegmentLocal
(3,1) (4,1)
SegmentLocal SegmentLocal

General Solution: Axisymmetric Pertubration

Please note I've included a damping factor to make simulations more reflective of dissipation

  • To start off simple, let us observe solutions under initial conditions that possess radial symmetry
  • Consider a reflected quadratic u0(r) = -r(r-1) whose vertex is halfway radially outwards from the drum's centre
def u0(r, theta):
    return -r*(r-1)
  • For such an initial shape, the drum evolves accordingly:
drumquaddown = CircularDrum(radius=1, c=1, u0=u0, maxm=5,maxn=4)
drumquaddown.sim(fname="-r(r-1)", fpath="Final\General\Axisymmetric")
Initial Evolution
SegmentLocal SegmentLocal
  • Let us try with more initial conditions:
drumquadup = CircularDrum(radius=1, c=1, u0=lambda r,theta: r**2, maxm=5,maxn=4)
drumquadup.sim(fname="r^2", fpath="Final\General\Axisymmetric")
drumquadup.simInitial(fname="r^2", fpath="Final\General\Axisymmetric")

drumsin = CircularDrum(radius=1, c=1, u0=lambda r,theta: np.sin(2*np.pi*r), maxm=5,maxn=4)
drumsin.sim(fname="sin(2pir)", fpath="Final\General\Axisymmetric")
drumsin.simInitial(fname="sin(2pir)", fpath="Final\General\Axisymmetric")

drumlinear = CircularDrum(radius=1, c=1, u0=lambda r,theta: r, maxm=5,maxn=4)
drumlinear.sim(fname="r", fpath="Final\General\Axisymmetric")
drumlinear.simInitial(fname="r", fpath="Final\General\Axisymmetric")

drumcubic = CircularDrum(radius=1, c=1, u0=lambda r,theta: -(r-1/2)**3, maxm=5,maxn=4)
drumcubic.sim(fname="-(r-0.5)^3", fpath="Final\General\Axisymmetric")
drumcubic.simInitial(fname="-(r-0.5)^3", fpath="Final\General\Axisymmetric")
Initial Evolution
SegmentLocal SegmentLocal
SegmentLocal SegmentLocal
SegmentLocal SegmentLocal
SegmentLocal SegmentLocal
  • While the patterns above are unique to their respective initial condition, we observe that they all share one main feature: they do not display any diametral nodes.
  • Recalling the nature of parameter m, we may infer that m=0 for all the modes comprising the superpositions of the drums above.
  • Indeed, we see that only modes of the form (0,n) contribute to the superposition.
  • We may conclude that axisymmetric initial conditions only have (0,n) modes contributing to their general solution.
  • To investigate why this may be the case, let us consider the non-axisymmetric case.

General Solution: Arbitrary Pertubration

  • For the arbitrary perturbation case, we'll define a function u_0 that simulates the striking of a drum at a localised point located at radial length rpos from the centre, and without loss of generality theta=0
  • Let us model the drum vibrations for such a localised strike at various lengths ranging [0, 1]
rpos = [0,0.25,0.5,0.75,1]

for i in rpos:
    def u0(r,theta):
        sigma = 0.05  # Localisation parameter
        impact = 10
        rpos = i
        angpoint = 0

        hdist = (r*np.cos(theta)-rpos*np.cos(angpoint))**2
        vdist = (r*np.sin(theta)-rpos*np.sin(angpoint))**2
        dist = hdist + vdist

        return  impact/(2*np.pi*sigma)*np.exp((-1/(2*sigma**2))*dist)
    drumstrike = CircularDrum(1, 1, u0, 5, 4)
    drumstrike.sim(fname="r={}m".format(i), fpath="Final\General\Strike")
    drumstrike.simInitial(fname="r={}m".format(i), fpath="Final\General\Strike")
Initial Evolution
SegmentLocal SegmentLocal
SegmentLocal SegmentLocal
SegmentLocal SegmentLocal
SegmentLocal SegmentLocal
SegmentLocal SegmentLocal
  • The degree to which a mode is excited upon a drum being struck at a point depends on how vigorously the mode naturally oscillates at that point.
  • This suggests that axisymmetric petrubrations excite only modes of form (0,n) because such pertubrations (by definition) cannot involve a stationary diameter, which is a condition required for any general (m,n) to be excited.