
Modularized pipelines for dagger.io

Primary LanguageTypeScriptOtherNOASSERTION


A minimal, Dagger 0.9+-compatible, pipeline orchestration framework.


# required
npm install --save-dev https://github.com/Iron-E/scabbard

It is suggested to use tsx with this project.


  • Dependency injection.
  • Pipelines as modules. Queue pipelines by importing modules.
  • File-system utilities (e.g. read .*ignore files).
  • API anti-boilerplate.
    • e.g. client.withDirectory("/foo", bar).withWorkdir("/foo") -> client.withWorkDirectory("/foo", bar)
  • Provides common actions for:
    • Rust

Pipelines as Modules

scabbard supports creating modules that act as pipelines. To do this, use the following template:

import { enqueue } from '@iron-e/scabbard';

// (optional) import other pipeline modules. Its pipelines will queued
import './foo-bar';

// queue additional pipelines
enqueue(async client => {
	// what happens when the pipeline runs

// run queued pipelines if executing this file directly (e.g. `tsx foo.ts`)
await import.meta.filename.runPipelinesIfMain();

Dependency Injection

import { Container } from '@dagger.io/dagger';
import { enqueue, set, setAlias, setTo, setWith } from '@iron-e/scabbard';

// (optional) import other pipeline modules. Its pipelines will queued
import './foo-bar';

// (optional) import other dependencies from modules
import { FOO } from './scope';

// (optional) override values given from scope
setTo('bar', FOO);

// 'rust:alpine' will be stored in a unique identifier as `BASE_IMAGE_NAME`.
// `BASE_IMAGE_NAME`, can be used to change this value later.
const BASE_IMAGE_NAME = setTo('rust:alpine' /*, 'some_name' (if name is not given, it will be generated) */);

// When `client` becomes available (during `runPipelinesIfMain`, which runs dagger's `connect`)
// `WITH_PROJECT` will resolve to the value returned by this function.
const WITH_PROJECT = set(client => {
	const directory = client.host().directory('.');
	return client.container().withWorkDirectory(directory);

// You can derive new values from others.
// Here, `BASE_IMAGE_NAME` and `WITH_PROJECT` are used to create the base container for the pipeline
const BASE_CONTAINER = setFrom([BASE_IMAGE_NAME, WITH_PROJECT], (client, inject) => {
	const baseImageName = inject(BASE_IMAGE_NAME); // bring `BASE_IMAGE_NAME` into scope
	const baseImageNameStr = baseImageName.type('string'); // (optional) assert its type
	// do something with the BASE_IMAGE and `client`

// queue pipelines. `set` values are only evaluated when requested (thus `async` during `enqueue`)
enqueue(async (client, inject) => {
	const base = await inject(BASE_CONTAINER);
	const baseContainer = base.instance(Container);
	// run methods using `baseContainer` or `client`…

// run queued pipelines if executing this file directly (e.g. `tsx foo.ts`)
await import.meta.filename.runPipelinesIfMain();


Have snippets to share? Feel free to open a PR!