NATS Simple Pub/Sub Usage with Golang

Build Locally

Change user/pass for nats accordingly in the main.go files, then run:

cd go-nats-pub && go build .
cd ../go-nats-sub && go build .


export USER=xxx
export PASS=yyy
export NATS_HOST=zzz(only host name here, no protocol, no port)
cd go-nats-sub && ./go-nats-sub

In another terminal:

export USER=xxx
export PASS=yyy
cd go-nats-pub && ./go-nats-pub

Should see logs from 1st tab from the subscriber.

Docker Build

Change user/pass for nats accordingly in the main.go files, then run:

docker build . -t ironcore864/go-nats

When running this image, subscriber is started. You can execute the publisher accordingly.