Remake of the classic Minesweeper game, written in Python (requires Python 3.6+).
- Clone the repo
- Recommended to set up a virtual environment
- Install requirements with
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run with
python -m minegauler
Download from here to try out my most feature-rich version without any Python requirements (for Windows and Linux).
Note that I initially wrote this in Python 2 using Tkinter (now using PyQt5) and have since attempted multiple rewrites. While the codebase has improved drastically, sadly a lot of the features I once had have not yet rematerialised. Try the link above if you're interested in playing an extremely feature-rich (and possibly a little unstable) version.
Read more about the project history on my website.
Email at, any questions/suggestions/requests welcome.
Alternatively, feel free to open an issue if you find a bug or have a feature request.
Install the developer requirements (e.g. pytest + plugins) with pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
Run the tests with the command: python -m pytest
Get coverage information using the pytest-cov plugin: python -m pytest --cov [--cov-report html]