A simple manager for network connections using rofi and nmcli. Strongly inspired/based on rofi-wifi-menu. Most of the code (I would say all code) was copied from the original creator. I've only refactored the code to improve performance and easily add new features.
- Disable/Enable device
- Connect to existing network
- Disconnect from active networking
- Requests password
- Manual Connections
- Resquest SSID and Password of the network
- External source config
- NetworkManager (nmcli)
- Rofi
- wireless_tools
type = internal/network
format-connected = %{A1:$HOME/.config/polybar/scripts/nmcli-rofi:}<ramp-signal>%{A}
format-disconnected = %{A1:$HOME/.config/polybar/scripts/nmcli-rofi:}icon-or-label%{A}
bindsym $mod+n exec /path/to/nmcli-rofi
Replace modifier if you need