RefranerBot (Bot)


  • Elixir
  • Git
  • GNU Make

Quick run

$ echo '<TOKEN>' > bot.token
$ make run

Install (systemd)

If you have not done so already, write the Telegram token to bot.token:

$ echo '<TOKEN>' > bot.token

Move the code to /opt and set permissions:

# cd ..
# cp -R refraner_bot /opt
# chown -R www-data:www-data /opt/refraner_bot

Install the systemd service and enable it to run at startup:

# cp refraner_bot/refraner_bot.service.sample /etc/systemd/system/refraner_bot.service
# systemctl daemon-reload
# systemctl enable refraner_bot

NOTE: if you chose to deploy the code to another path or use another user/group, update them in /etc/systemd/system/refraner_bot.service after copying the template.

Run (systemd)

After installing it, you can control the service via systemd:

# systemctl start refraner_bot
# systemctl stop refraner_bot
# systemctl restart refraner_bot

Start on system startup (systemd)

# systemctl enable refraner_bot