Hackweek Project
Please see dependecies section (below first)
import database dump located in project directory: filename: oquantdatabase.sql
This is not necessary unless you want to download all the data all over again.
The scripts would do it otherwise without prompting.
cd serverapp/data/
RUN: python download_and_analyse.py
RUN: python cikparser_dbloader.py
- cd serverapp/
RUN: python app.py
- Open client: from browser: (Tested on Chrome)
- Python 2.7 (Anaconda distro) x64 ubuntu
- psycopg2 2.6.1
- postgresql-9.4
- sqlalchemy
- Pandas 0.17.1
- flask 0.10.1
- flask-sqlalchemy 2.1
- plotly 1.9.6
- nltk 3.1
- shutil
- os
- zip
- json
- ftplib
- datetime
- zipfile
- numpy
- sys
- requests
- lxml
- re
PostgreSql apt-get(s)
$ sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.4 + contrib
$ sudo apt-get install pgadmin3
$ sudo -u postgres psql postgres
role : postgres
postgres# \password
password : hedgefund
$ sudo -u postgres createdb oquantdatabase
database = oquantdatabase
password : hedgefund
port : 5342
bash: (connection to oquantdatabase)
$ psql
irtza=# \c oquantdatabase
-------local machine database connection--------
user: irtza password : hedgefund database : oquantdatabase
bash: (connection to oquantdatabase)
$ psql
irtza=# \c oquantdatabase