Home Assignment: Creating a AWS Lambda function with IaC

The exercise:

  1. Create a free account in AWS
  2. Deploy a lambda that returns X+1 to the number you send as a parameter.
  3. Function should be accessible via rest call

Example: I send : GET www.example.com/increase?i=10

Response: 11


  • Security is very important to us.
  • Try to be mindful of cost.
  • Use Terraform

Super important:

  • The environment should be fully automated and be built and torn down with a script.
  • Your repo should include some documentation
  • The exercise should work out of the box without code tweaks according to the instructions you provided


The repository contains all the nessecary files to create and destroy the infrastructure to complete the assignment.

To run it one should have:

Deploying the infrastructure

The code works out-of-the-box and does not require any changes, provided that the user has completed all the prerequisites. However, there are a few customizable parameters, which can be viewed in the file inputs.tfvars.example Note, that there's no sensitive parameters in the file. To configure the parameters, rename inputs.tfvars.example to inputs.tfvars and change them as nessecary.

To deploy the infrastructure clone this repository, navigate to its location and execute following:

terraform init
terraform plan

And after making sure that the plan looks good, execute

terraform apply

When asked for confirmation, type yes

On completion we receive two outputs: api_key which is sensitive and is not displayed by default, and invoke_url_default - URL and path, where the function is available.

That completes the infrastructure deployment.

Running the Lambda function

As one of the guidelines was about importancy of security, the created API was secured by API key. The API key is generated on executing terraform apply and is not changed until its destruction.

So to use the function with curl tool, the API key should be specified in the header, for example: curl --header "x-api-key:dl0bRWR5" https://061l7.execute-api.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/increase?i=10

The API key is stored as sensitive output and could be accessed with the command terraform output -raw api_key

There is a shell-script in the repository named get_curl.sh It gets values from terraform outputs and creates ready-to-use command.

$ ./get_curl.sh
Use this command to test the API
curl --header "x-api-key:dlWR5" https://06l7.execute-api.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/increase

Supply a parameter to the script to generate the URL with query parameters

$ ./get_curl.sh 22
Use this command to test the API
curl --header "x-api-key:dlWR5" https://06l7.execute-api.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/increase?i=22

Copy-paste and execute the resulting command to see if Lambda function is available and working

$ curl --header "x-api-key:dlRWR5" https://06l7.execute-api.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/increase?i=11

The function also checks if input data is correct - there should be only one query parameter i with integer value

Security and costs

As was mentioned before, the API is protected with API key. That provides very basic security, which should be enough for this assignment - the API can be called without setting up a separate IAM account, yet is not publicly available without a key.

To mind the cost I've created a usage plan for the API with decreased quotas and rate limits