
vim config file

Primary LanguageVim script


Just my vim config file, vimrc. Has macros for LaTeX, Python, and other things.


  1. First of all install vim:


foo@bar:~$ sudo apt-get update
foo@bar:~$ sudo apt-get install vim 


Vim and gvim they are already on the official packages. Install them with pacman.

foo@bar:~$ pacman -S vim
  1. Create the .vim folder and clone the Bundle repo:
foo@bar:~$ mkdir .vim
foo@bar:~$ git clone https://github.com/VundleVim/Vundle.vim.git ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
  1. Clone this file.
foo@bar:~$ git clone https://github.com/Irweel/MyVimrc
  1. Enter on .vimrc file and install plugins:
  1. Install on compatible font.