
A syntactic sugar way for handling the 'Empty' base class.

Primary LanguagexBase


A syntactic sugar way for handling the Empty base class.

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Gracias por tu apoyo!

This sound familiar to you?

    obj = createobject("Empty")
    =AddProperty(obj, "name", "John")
    =AddProperty(obj, "lastName", "Doe")
    =AddProperty(obj, "salary", 123.45)
    =AddProperty(obj, "married", .T.)

    // output

If it's so, then you must be sick off creating the Empty object properties before using them aren't you?. Well, stop suffering and welcome this tiny new class FoxNone that will make your life easier.

FoxNone is a little class that leverage the power of This_Access in order to create all the properties you want on the fly.

Take a look and give it a try

    // Declare the PRG somewhere in your code.
    Set Procedure to "FoxNone" Additive
    // And that's it :)

    // Now instead of `Empty` you must inherit form `None` like this:
    obj = createobject("None")
    // And then have fun creating a lot of properties
    obj.name = "Irwin"
    obj.age = 35
    obj.salary = 1535
    obj.married = .f.
    obj.spanish = .null.
    // output

That's it, pretty easy huh?

I'm missing attaching procedures in it thus I'll be working on how to achieve that.

See you next time!