Web Developer Portfolio

Welcome to Web Developer portfolio! This repository showcases skills, projects, and a brief overview of background.

Table of Contents


On the home page, you'll find a comprehensive overview of who Margaret Lyons as a Front-End Developer. She specializes in crafting engaging and user-friendly interfaces using the latest technologies. The site is designed with a clean and modern layout to reflect my commitment to creating visually appealing web experiences.

About Me

The 'About Me' page provides a glimpse into Margaret Lyons professional journey, educational background, and work experience. She is passionate about turning ideas into reality through code. Her journey in the tech industry has equipped her with a diverse skill set and a problem-solving mindset.


The 'Projects' page showcases some of the exciting web development projects Margaret Lyons has worked on. Each project is a testament to her proficiency in using vanilla HTML,CSS and JavaScript to create responsive and visually appealing interfaces.

Feel free to explore the individual project links for a closer look at Margaret Lyons coding style and the outcomes of each project.

Technologies Used

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Responsive Layout

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