
The goal of this project is to deploy on myserver a simple copy of the AirBnB website.

Primary LanguagePython


The goal of this project is to deploy on my server a simple copy of the AirBnB website.

Project Description

This project is a simplified clone of the AirBnB website, designed to showcase the implementation of a command-line interface (CLI) and a simple storage engine for managing different types of objects.

Command Interpreter

The command interpreter, named console.py, provides a text-based interface for interacting with the AirBnB clone. It supports various commands for managing different classes, including State, City, Amenity, Place, Review, and User.

Starting the Command Interpreter

To start the command interpreter, run the following command in your terminal:


Using the Command Interpreter

The command interpreter supports the following commands:

  • create: Creates a new instance of a specified class and saves it to the JSON file.
  • show: Displays details of a specific instance by class name and instance ID.
  • destroy: Deletes an instance by class name and instance ID.
  • all: Displays details of all instances or all instances of a specific class.
  • update: Updates the attributes of an instance by class name and instance ID.


Here are some examples of using the command interpreter:

  1. Creating a new User:
create User email="test@example.com" password="pass123" first_name="John" last_name="Doe"
  1. Showing details of a User:
show User 1234-5678
  1. Destroying a Place:
destroy Place 9876-5432
  1. Listing all instances:
  1. Updating the name of a City:
update City 1111-2222 name="New York"

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