
List of awesome CSS frameworks

Primary LanguageCSS

Awesome Design Awesome

If you want to contribute please submit a PR and will review the added links to maintain a high quality of curated frameworks, design systems and others.


We start with design systems obviously.

๐Ÿ”ฑ List of design systems

List of CSS frameworks. [Updated regularly ๐Ÿ”œ ๐Ÿ•]

Very Lightweight

Frameworks that are smaller than ~5KB.

  • Pure - Set of small, responsive CSS modules that you can use in every web project.
    Demo, Docs, Repo | #CSS

  • Milligram - Minimalist CSS framework.
    Docs, Repo | #Sass

  • Picnic CSS - Lightweight and beautiful library.
    Demo, Docs, Repo | #SCSS

  • mini.css - Minimal, responsive, style-agnostic CSS framework.
    Docs, Repo | #SCSS

  • sakura - Minimal classless CSS framework/theme.
    Demo, Repo | #SCSS

  • Wing - Beautiful CSS framework designed for minimalists.
    Repo | #Stylus

  • Marx - Classless CSS reset.
    Docs, Repo | #SCSS #Stylus

  • Tacit - CSS framework for dummies, without classes.
    Repo | #SCSS

  • awsm.css - CSS library for semantic HTML markup without classes, attributes, etc.
    Demo, Repo | #SCSS

  • Chota - Really small CSS framework.
    Repo | #CSS

  • Frowcss - Frow is an open source HTML and CSS framework for creating quick & responsive projects on the web, powered by Flexbox. Docs, Repo | #CSS

General Purpose

  • Bootstrap - The most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
    Demo, Docs, Themes, Repo | #SCSS

  • Semantic UI - User interface is the language of the web.
    Note: The project seems to be inactive but there is an active fork called Fomantic UI.
    Docs, Repo | #LESS

  • Bulma - Modern CSS framework based on Flexbox.
    Demo, Docs, Repo | #Sass

  • Foundation - The most advanced responsive front-end framework in the world.
    Demo, Docs, Repo | #SCSS

  • UIkit - Lightweight and modular front-end framework for developing fast and powerful web interfaces.
    Demo, Docs, Repo | #LESS #SCSS

  • Spectre.css - Lightweight, responsive and modern CSS framework.
    Docs, Repo | #SCSS

  • Primer - CSS framework that powers GitHub's front-end design.
    Docs, Repo | #SCSS

  • Tachyons - Quickly build and design new UI without writing CSS.
    Demo, Docs, Repo | #CSS

  • Blaze UI - Open source modular toolkit providing great structure for building websites quickly with a scalable and maintainable foundation.
    Demo, Docs, Repo | #SCSS

  • Base - Rock solid, responsive HTML/CSS framework.
    Docs, Repo | #SCSS #LESS

  • Carbon Components - Component library behind IBM's Carbon Design System.
    Docs, Repo | #SCSS

  • PatternFly - UI framework for enterprise web applications.
    Demo, Docs, Repo | #SCSS #LESS

  • turretcss - Responsive front-end framework for accessible and semantic websites.
    Demo, Docs, Repo | #CSS

  • HiQ - Simple CSS foundation with responsive typography and input styling.
    Docs, Repo | #PostCSS

  • Tawian - A markdowny CSS framework Docs, Repo | #CSS

  • Papercss - The Less Formal CSS Framework Docs, Repo | #CSS

  • Hackcss - Dead simple CSS framework. Docs, Repo | #CSS

Material Design


  • Tailwind CSS - Utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development.
    Docs, Repo | #CSS

  • Gutenberg - Modern framework to print the web correctly.
    Demo, Repo | #SCSS

  • Tufte CSS - Style your webpage like Edward Tufteโ€™s handouts.
    Repo | #CSS

  • Bojler - Email framework for developing responsive and lightweight email templates.
    Docs, Repo | #SCSS

  • Quasar - High Performance Full Frontend Stack Docs, Repo | #SCSS

Vintage & Retro

  • NES.css - NES-style CSS Framework.
    Docs, Repo | #SCSS

  • TerminalCss - Modern and minimalistic CSS framework for terminal enthusiasts. Please use the green color to be an authentic hacker-style CL Docs, Repo | #CSS

  • BOOTSTRA.386 - A vintage 1980s DOS inspired Twitter Bootstrap theme Demo, Repo | #CSS

  • PSone - PS1 style CSS Framework, inspired by NES.css Demo, Repo | #CSS

  • RPGUI - Lightweight framework for old-school RPG GUI in web! Demo, Repo | #CSS

  • GEO bootstrap - A timeless Twitter Bootstrap theme built for the modern web. Docs, Repo | #CSS


Toolkits are closer to a library than to a framework. They do not provide actual styling but utilities (e.g. mixins) that you can use in your CSS preprocessor.

Stalled Development

Frameworks that have not seen any real development for more than about one year or officially have been deprecated. We are keeping them here for reference/inspiration and hope for a revival.

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