
A simple chat component created with Vue.js

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT


This vue component is a simple chat that can be easily imported and used in your project.


  • Custom style
  • Handle on type event and on message submit
  • Chat with multiple participants
  • Support for async actions like message uploaded status
  • Send images (released at version 1.1.0)
  • Support for profile pictures (released at version 1.1.1)
  • Uses Luxon in place of moment. Added event functions (released at version 1.2.0)
  • Support for timestamp config (released at version 1.2.1)


yarn add vue-quick-chat

or with npm

npm install vue-quick-chat --save


import { Chat } from 'vue-quick-chat'
import 'vue-quick-chat/dist/vue-quick-chat.css';

export default {
  components: {
      <Chat v-if="visible"
        :load-more-messages="toLoad.length > 0 ? loadMoreMessages : null"
        :accept-image-types="'.png, .jpeg'"

You can also use a slot to define the header content

        :load-more-messages="toLoad.length > 0 ? loadMoreMessages : null"
        <template v-slot:header>
            <p v-for="(participant, index) in participants" :key="index" class="custom-title">{{participant.name}}</p>

Bellow we have an example of the component data structure

import {Chat} from 'vue-quick-chat';
import 'vue-quick-chat/dist/vue-quick-chat.css';

export default {
    components: {
    data() {
        return {
            visible: true,
            participants: [
                    name: 'Arnaldo',
                    id: 1,
                    profilePicture: 'https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/a/a1/NafSadh_Profile.jpg/768px-NafSadh_Profile.jpg'
                    name: 'José',
                    id: 2,
                    profilePicture: 'https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-G1d4-a7d_TY/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAAA/AAKWJJPez_wX5UCJztzEUeCxOd7HBK7-jA.CMID/s83-c/photo.jpg'
            myself: {
                name: 'Matheus S.',
                id: 3,
                profilePicture: 'https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-G1d4-a7d_TY/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAAA/AAKWJJPez_wX5UCJztzEUeCxOd7HBK7-jA.CMID/s83-c/photo.jpg'
            messages: [
                    content: 'received messages',
                    myself: false,
                    participantId: 1,
                    timestamp: {year: 2019, month: 3, day: 5, hour: 20, minute: 10, second: 3, millisecond: 123},
                    type: 'text'
                    content: 'sent messages',
                    myself: true,
                    participantId: 3,
                    timestamp: {year: 2019, month: 4, day: 5, hour: 19, minute: 10, second: 3, millisecond: 123},
                    type: 'text'
                    content: 'other received messages',
                    myself: false,
                    participantId: 2,
                    timestamp: {year: 2019, month: 5, day: 5, hour: 10, minute: 10, second: 3, millisecond: 123},
                    type: 'text'
            chatTitle: 'My chat title',
            placeholder: 'send your message',
            colors: {
                header: {
                    bg: '#d30303',
                    text: '#fff'
                message: {
                    myself: {
                        bg: '#fff',
                        text: '#bdb8b8'
                    others: {
                        bg: '#fb4141',
                        text: '#fff'
                    messagesDisplay: {
                        bg: '#f7f3f3'
                submitIcon: '#b91010',
                submitImageIcon: '#b91010',
            borderStyle: {
                topLeft: "10px",
                topRight: "10px",
                bottomLeft: "10px",
                bottomRight: "10px",
            hideCloseButton: false,
            submitIconSize: 25,
            closeButtonIconSize: "20px",
            asyncMode: false,
            toLoad: [
                    content: 'Hey, John Doe! How are you today?',
                    myself: false,
                    participantId: 2,
                    timestamp: {year: 2011, month: 3, day: 5, hour: 10, minute: 10, second: 3, millisecond: 123},
                    uploaded: true,
                    viewed: true,
                    type: 'text'
                    content: "Hey, Adam! I'm feeling really fine this evening.",
                    myself: true,
                    participantId: 3,
                    timestamp: {year: 2010, month: 0, day: 5, hour: 19, minute: 10, second: 3, millisecond: 123},
                    uploaded: true,
                    viewed: true,
                    type: 'text'
            scrollBottom: {
                messageSent: true,
                messageReceived: false
            profilePictureConfig: {
                others: true,
                myself: true,
                styles: {
                    width: '30px',
                    height: '30px',
                    borderRadius: '50%'
            timestampConfig: {   
                format: 'HH:mm',
                relative: false
            // there are other options, you can check them here
            // https://soapbox.github.io/linkifyjs/docs/options.html
            linkOptions: {
                myself: {
                    className: 'myLinkClass',
                    events: {
                        click: function (e) {
                            alert('Link clicked!');
                        mouseover: function (e) {
                            alert('Link hovered!');
                    format: function (value, type) {
                        if (type === 'url' && value.length > 50) {
                            value = value.slice(0, 50) + '…';
                        return value;
                others: {
                    className: 'othersLinkClass',
                    events: {
                        click: function (e) {
                            alert('Link clicked!');
                        mouseover: function (e) {
                            alert('Link hovered!');
                    format: function (value, type) {
                        if (type === 'url' && value.length > 50) {
                            value = value.slice(0, 50) + '…';
                        return value;
    methods: {
        onType: function (event) {
            //here you can set any behavior
        loadMoreMessages(resolve) {
            setTimeout(() => {
                resolve(this.toLoad); //We end the loading state and add the messages
                //Make sure the loaded messages are also added to our local messages copy or they will be lost
                this.toLoad = [];
            }, 1000);
        onMessageSubmit: function (message) {
            * example simulating an upload callback. 
            * It's important to notice that even when your message wasn't send 
            * yet to the server you have to add the message into the array

            * you can update message state after the server response
            // timeout simulating the request
            setTimeout(() => {
                message.uploaded = true
            }, 2000)
        onClose() {
            this.visible = false;
        onImageSelected(files, message){
            let src = 'https://149364066.v2.pressablecdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/vue.jpg'
             * This timeout simulates a requisition that uploads the image file to the server.
             * It's up to you implement the request and deal with the response in order to
             * update the message status and the message URL
            setTimeout((res) => {
                message.uploaded = true
                message.src = res.src
            }, 3000, {src});
             * This is the callback function that is going to be executed when some image is clicked.
             * You can add your code here to do whatever you need with the image clicked. A common situation is to display the image clicked in full screen.
            console.log('Image clicked', message.src)

Component Props

name type required default description
participants Array true An array of participants. Each participant should be an Object with name and id
myself Object true Object of my participant. "myself" should be an Object with name and id
messages Array true An array of messages. Each message should be an Object with content, myself, participantId and timestamp
chatTitle String false Empty String The title on chat header
placeholder String false 'type your message here' The placeholder of message text input
colors Object true Object with the color's description of style properties
borderStyle Object false { topLeft: "10px", topRight: "10px", bottomLeft: "10px", bottomRight: "10px"} Object with the description of border style properties
hideCloseButton Boolean false false If true, the 'Close' button will be hidden
submitIconSize int false 24 The submit icon size in pixels.
submitImageIconSize int false 24 The image submit icon size in pixels.
closeButtonIconSize String false "15px" The close button icon size in pixels.
asyncMode Boolean false false If the value is true the component begins to watch message upload status and displays a visual feedback for each message. If the value is false the visual feedback is disabled
loadMoreMessages Function false () => false If this function is passed and you reach the top of the messages, it will be called and a loading state will be displayed until you resolve it by calling the only parameter passed to it
scrollBottom Object false { messageSent: true, messageReceived: false} This object describes the chat scroll behavior. The two options represent the moment when the chat should scroll to the bottom. If 'messageSent' is true, the chat will scroll to bottom aways you send a new message. If 'messageReceived' is true, the chat will scroll to bottom always you receive a new message.
displayHeader Boolean false true This prop describes whether the header should be displayed or not
profilePictureConfig Object false { others: true, myself: false, styles: { width: '25px', height: '25px', borderRadius: '50%'} } This prop is a js Object that decribes the style and the behavoir of the chat regards to the users profile picture.
timestampConfig Object false { format: 'HH:mm', relative: false } This prop is a js Object that decribes the timestamp format / relativeness.
linkOptions Object false { myself: {}, others: {} } This prop is an Object that configures the links that may appear on the messages' content. myself defines the config for links in sent messages. others defines the config for links in received messages. This functionality relies on linkifyjs. You can find the full doc of this prop here.
acceptImageTypes String false image/* This prop defines the image types that are accepted to be uploaded. The image types should be separated by a comma (e.g. '.png, .jpeg, .jpg')


name type required default description
onType Function false () => false Event called when the user is typing
onMessageSubmit Function false () => false Event called when the user sends a new message
onClose Function false () => false Event called when the user presses the close icon
onImageClicked Function false () => false This prop is a callback function that is called after the user clicks on an image. This function may receive the message that represents the image clicked. You have many possibilities of implementations, one of them, is to display the clicked image on full-screen mode.
onImageSelected Function false () => false This prop is a callback function that is called after the user selects an image from the computer. This is the function that should upload the image to the server and update the message status to uploaded and the src to the uploaded image URL.


name type description
id int The user id should be an unique value
name String The user name that will be displayed
profilePicture String The user profule picture url


  name:  'Username',
  id: 1,
  profilePicture: 'profile_url'


name type description
content String The message text content
myself boolean (REMOVED) Whether the message was sent by myself or by other participants. Since version 1.0.8 this property is automatically set by the chat
participantId int The participant's id who sent the message
timestamp Object Object describing the year, month, day, hour, minute, second and millisecond that the message was sent
uploaded Boolean If asyncMode is true and uploaded is true, a visual feedback is displayed bollow the message. If asyncMode is true and uploaded is false, a visual loading feedback is displayed bollow the message. If asyncMode is false, this property is ignored.
viewed Boolean If asyncMode is true and viewed is true, a visual feedback is displayed bollow the message.
preview String (ONLY FOR IMAGES) This prop is automatically set by the chat. It represents the preview image URL while the image is being uploaded to the server.
src String (ONLY FOR IMAGES) This prop should be set by you after the image is uploaded. You should do it in the callback function onImageSelected. The prop represents the image URL of the uploaded image.
type String This prop should be set by you in case a new message is received, otherwise, the chat will automatically set this prop.


  content: 'received messages', 
  //myself: false,
  participantId: 1,
  timestamp: { 
    year: 2019, 
    month: 3, 
    day: 5, 
    hour: 20, 
    minute: 10, 
    second: 3, 
    millisecond: 123 
  uploaded: true,
  viewed: true,
  type: 'text' // or 'image'
  // generated by URL.createObjectURL(file)
  preview: 'blob:http://mydomain/11999c0j-4abc-4e56-acc7-fb0bbd616ea7',
  src: 'myurl.com/images/image.png',


name type description
header Object Object containing the header background and text color
message Object Object containing the message background and text color. The Object should contains the style for 'myself' and 'others'
messagesDisplay Object Object containing the background color of mesages container.
submitIcon String The color applied to the send message button icon
submitImageIcon String The color applied to the send image button icon


    bg: '#d30303',
    text: '#fff'
    myself: {
      bg: '#fff',
      text: '#bdb8b8'
    others: {
      bg: '#fb4141',
      text: '#fff'
  messagesDisplay: {
    bg: '#f7f3f3'
  submitIcon: '#b91010',
  submitImageIcon: '#b91010'


name type description
others Boolean Whether the profile picture of the other participant should be displayed on the screen
myself Boolean Whether the profile picture of the current participant (myself) should be displayed on the screen
styles Object Object containing the description of the size and the shape of the profile images picture


profilePictureConfig: {
    others: true,
    myself: true,
    styles: {
        width: '30px',
        height: '30px',
        borderRadius: '50%'


name type description
format String Timestamp format
relative Boolean Whether the timestamp should be relative to current time


timestampConfig: {   
    format: 'HH:mm',
    relative: false

Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Run your tests

npm run test

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.