
Primary LanguageJavaScriptISC LicenseISC


curryOnTop aims to make functional programming convenient when working with API’s that rely on object instances and their methods.

It does so by taking every method of an object and creating a curried version of these methods that can be used in a functional manner with the instances of said object. Secondarily curryOnTop exposes a number of utility functions for functional programming. Of course all of these are curried.

What is currying?

Currying a function creates a new function that accepts one or more arguments of the original function. When the curried function is called and all of the original function’s arguments are provided, it invokes the original function returning its result. Otherwise the curried function returns a new function that accepts one or more of the remaining original function’s arguments, and so on.

Use case and examples

Say you are using the following constructor to create list instances:

function List() {
	this.list = [];
List.prototype.get = function (index) { return this.list[index]; }
List.prototype.set = function (index, value) { this.list[index] = value; }

Normally one would use an instance of List in the following manner:

var listInstance = new List();
listInstance.set(0, "value0");
listInstance.get(0); // returns "value0"

With curryOnTop you can take advantage of currying and do more interesting things in a functional style, for example:

// create a new instance of List as normal
var listInstance = new List();

// make left curried functions of all methods of List.prototype
// The signature of these functions is func(methodArg1, methodArg2, ..., methodArgN, context)
// Whereby the methodArg’s are taken from the original method
var listCurry = curryOnTop.left(List.prototype);

// 0 is the index of the list in both lines below
// We take advantage of currying to create new functions
var setFirst = listCurry.set(0);
var getFirst = listCurry.get(0);

// The object to use as context for the method is always provides last
setFirst("value0", listInstance);
getFirst(listInstance); // returns "value0"
listCurry.get(0, listInstance); // same as previous line

Using this technique you can work in a functional style with libraries who by them selves use constructors, instances and methods as there API.

API documentation

Curry methods


Returns a function that is the left to right curried version of the method.

The function takes the same arguments as the original function with a context argument added as the last argument.


var obj = {
	method: function (arg1, arg2, arg3) { return [this.prop, arg1, arg2, arg3] }
var otherObj = { prop: "otherObjProp" };
var curriedFunc = curryOnTop.singleLeft(obj.method);

// could also be written as curriedFunc(1, 2, 3, otherObj)
// or it could be written as curriedFunc(1, 2)(3, otherObj) or curriedFunc(1)(2, 3)(otherObj) etcetera
var result = curriedFunc(1)(2)(3)(otherObj);
// result is: ["otherObjProp", 1, 2, 3]

curryOnTop.singleLeftWithArity(arity, method)

Does the same as curryOnTop.singleLeft(method) except that the arity argument is used to determine the number of arguments method has.


var obj = {
	method: function (arg1, arg2, arg3) { return [this.prop, arg1, arg2, arg3] }
var otherObj = { prop: "otherObjProp" };
var curriedFunc = curryOnTop.singleLeftWithArity(2, obj.method);

// could also be written as curriedFunc(1, 2, otherObj)
// or it could be written as curriedFunc(1, 2)(otherObj) or curriedFunc(1)(2, otherObj) etcetera
var result = curriedFunc(1)(2)(otherObj);
// result is: ["otherObjProp", 1, 2, undefined]
// The last argument is undefined because it is never provided to the method.
// The provided arity of 2 causes only the first to arguments to be passed to the method.


Runs curryOnTop.singleLeft(method) on all methods belonging to object and returns a new object with these newly curried functions as properties.


Returns a function that is the right to left curried version of the method.

The function takes the same arguments as the original function with a context argument added as the last argument.

var obj = {
	method: function (arg1, arg2, arg3) { return [this.prop, arg1, arg2, arg3] }
var otherObj = { prop: "otherObjProp" };
var curriedFunc = curryOnTop.singleRight(obj.method);

// could also be written as curriedFunc(3, 2, 1, otherObj)
// or it could be written as curriedFunc(3, 2)(1, otherObj) or curriedFunc(3)(2, 1)(otherObj) etcetera
var result = curriedFunc(3)(2)(1)(otherObj);
// result is: ["otherObjProp", 1, 2, 3]

curryOnTop.singleRightWithArity(arity, method)

Does the same as curryOnTop.singleRight(method) except that the arity argument is used to determine the number of arguments method has.


var obj = {
	method: function (arg1, arg2, arg3) { return [this.prop, arg1, arg2, arg3] }
var otherObj = { prop: "otherObjProp" };
var curriedFunc = curryOnTop.singleRightWithArity(2, obj.method);

// could also be written as curriedFunc(2, 1, otherObj)
// or it could be written as curriedFunc(2, 1)(otherObj) or curriedFunc(2)(1, otherObj) etcetera
var result = curriedFunc(2)(1)(otherObj);
// result is: ["otherObjProp", 1, 2, undefined]
// The last argument is undefined because it is never provided to the method.
// The provided arity of 2 causes only the first to arguments to be passed to the method.


Runs curryOnTop.singleRight(method) on all methods belonging to object and returns a new object with these newly curried functions as properties.

Functional helpers

All these functions are curried except for curryOnTop.functional.curry, curryOnTop.functional.curryRight and curryOnTop.functional.compose


Returns a new array that is the reverse of array.


Return the exact value that is provided as an argument.


Returns a function that always returns value;


A no-operation function that always returns undefined regardless of the arguments it receives.


Returns false when object is undefined or null. Otherwise it returns true.


Returns a function that returns the opposite of predicate.


Returns false for a value of null, undefined and false, otherwise it returns true.


Returns true for a value of null, undefined and false, otherwise it returns false.


Returns true if object is a function, otherwise it returns false.


Returns true if object is an object, otherwise it returns false.


Returns true if object is a string, otherwise it returns false.


Returns true if object is a number, otherwise it returns false.


Returns true if object is a boolean, otherwise it returns false.

curryOnTop.functional.slice(end, start, array)

Returns a new array that is a slice of array from start up to but not including end.

curryOnTop.functional.others(start, array)

Returns a new array that is a slice of array from start till the end of the array.


Returns a new array that is a array without the first property.


Coverts array-like objects into arrays.

curryOnTop.functional.prop(key, object)

Returns object[key].


Multiple functions can be supplied as arguments.

Returns a function that returns the result of invoking each function where each successive invocation is supplied the return value of the previous function.

Note, because the number of arguments are variable, compose is not curried.

curryOnTop.functional.curry(func, arity: optional)

Returns a new function that accepts one or more arguments of the original function. When the curried function is called and all of the original function’s arguments are provided, it invokes the original function returning its result. Otherwise the curried function returns a new function that accepts one or more of the remaining original function’s arguments, and so on.

Note, the curry function itself is not curried.

curryOnTop.functional.curryRight(func, arity: optional)

Same as curryOnTop.functional.curry(func, arity) except arguments are applied right to left to func.

Note, the curryRight function itself is not curried.


Functional concepts explanations are largely adapted from the Lodash documentation.


CurryOnTop is licensed under the ISC license. See the license file for details.