
A simple app that let's users rank their fantasy football league teams.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Node App

A barebones Node.js app using Express 4.

Running Locally

Make sure you have Node.js and the Heroku CLI installed. You will also need Sequelize CLI and a postgres server up and running.

After creating your PSQL database, copy its name into the config/config.json file as well as your username.

$ npm install
$ sequelize db:migrate
$ sequelize db:seed:all
$ npm start

Your app should now be running on localhost:5000.

Deploying to Heroku

$ heroku create
$ git push heroku master
$ heroku open


Deploy to Heroku

Created Data in database

To create data, use Sequelize seeders to bulk create your data:

  1. Edit the config.json file with local database name.
  2. Create your models and migrate into database
  3. Create a seeder with sequelize seed:create --name Seedername
  4. Update seeder to contain bulk create methods:
'use strict';

const data = [
    username: 'John Doe',
    password: 'password',
    createdAt: '2017-07-04T02:05:01+00:00',
    updatedAt: '2017-07-04T02:05:01+00:00'
    username: 'John Doe1',
    password: 'password',
    createdAt: '2017-07-04T02:05:01+00:00',
    updatedAt: '2017-07-04T02:05:01+00:00'
    username: 'John Doe2',
    password: 'password',
    createdAt: '2017-07-04T02:05:01+00:00',
    updatedAt: '2017-07-04T02:05:01+00:00'

module.exports = {
  up: function (queryInterface, Sequelize) {
      return queryInterface.bulkInsert('Users', data, {});

  down: function (queryInterface, Sequelize) {
      return queryInterface.bulkDelete('Users', null, {});
  1. Push the database to the Heroku database: heroku pg:push myLocalDatabaseName DATABASE_URL --app herokuAppName
