🧬 Studies about Genetic Algorithms

Hello, this readme will show to you step by step what there are in each folder. At starting, these repository is the result of my studies about the book Hands-On Genetic Algorithms with Python: Applying genetic algorithms to solve real-world deep learning and artificial intelligence problems.

animated gif

🚀 Starting

These instruction will allow you get a copy of this repository on your computer for development and testing purpose.

**git clone https://github.com/IsaacMirandaCamargos/Genetic_algorithms** 

📋 requirements

To work with this project I recommend to you use colab notebooks https://colab.research.google.com, therefore you will need only install some libraries.

!pip install deap
!pip install matplotlib
!pip install pandas
!pip install numpy
!pip install sklearn

✒️ Authors

🎁 Acknowledgment

  • I would like to thank my professor and friend Leandro Cruvinel for his help and teachings.

🤖 Resume

resume of this repository