
Journal App using Rails v6 with TDD [rspec]

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Journal App [Avion]

Journal App using Rails v6


  • Private Journal CRUD with Foreign Keys

  1. CRUD using rails g model Journal for creation of models/tables.

  2. Devise used by rails g devise:install for Users' own Set of Personal Journal/Category with Tasks and Description.

  • Cloning the App

  1. git clone https://github.com/IsaacSarte/journal-app.git
  • What to do after Cloning

  1. In the root path of the app, type bundle install

  2. Next, type npm install

  3. Create the database by typing rails db:create

  4. Lastly, migrate the databse, rails db:migrate

Other Functionalities:

  1. Rich Text Area form for Description

  2. Mobile Responsive

My Blockers:

  1. unit test using rspec because there is a confirmation email used in devise

  2. system test using rspec because of foreign keys



  • Sample Webapp Screenshot

  1. PC/Laptop


  1. Mobile
