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Isaiah Grace



PDF Resume

Technical Skills

  • C
  • C++
  • Rust
  • Zig
  • Linux
  • Assembly
  • Bash
  • FPGA
  • Git
  • PCB layout
  • LaTeX
  • Matlab
  • Python
  • Regular expressions
  • Scheme
  • SystemVerilog


Purdue University, West Lafayette IN: GPA 3.40

2019 Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering, Minor in History

Relevant Coursework

  • Data Structures & Algorithms
  • Computer Architecture
  • Microcontrollers
  • Object-oriented Programming
  • Functional Programming
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • ASIC Design
  • Leadership Development

Work Experience

Embedded Software Developer: ASML via Actalent Services: Jul 2022 to Jun 2023

  • Responsible for the design and implementation of high reliability and high performance C driver firmware, enabling next-gen semiconductor manufacturing.
  • Designed, developed, and tested modular driver and subsystem components in a highly distributed and strict real-time environment.
  • Assisted in verification and validation of software update packages using advanced system simulators.

Embedded Systems Engineer: Sestra Systems: May 2021 to Jun 2022

  • Responsible for the design and implementation of IoT embedded systems in a small and collaborative startup environment.
  • Managed the entire software life-cycle of several key embedded software systems as lead engineer.
  • Worked directly with internal stakeholders, and external clients, to scope out and specify new system capabilities.
  • Designed and implemented new subsystems in a multi-threaded and multi-process distributed system.
  • Reverse-engineered a BLE Bluetooth protocol to develop a custom driver and control system for off the shelf hardware.
  • Integrated open source device drivers utilizing C and modern C++.
  • Designed SPI, CAN, and USB hardware drivers on extremely resource constrained bare-metal microcontroller boards.

Student Researcher: Purdue SoCET team, physical design group: Apr to Aug 2019

  • Developed layout, place and route, and floorplanning workflows for the physical design of an experimental research microcontroller eventually fabricated at MIT Lincoln Labs.
  • Created Custom standard cells for use in an experimental hardware obfuscation prototype.

Grader: ECE369 Discrete Mathematics: Jan to May 2019

  • Graded Discrete Mathematics course assignments covering theory of computation, formal logic, graph theory, mathematical induction, state machines, and regular expressions.

Raft Guide: Outdoor Adventure Rafting, Ocoee River, TN: May to Aug 2018

  • Guided on class IV-V whitewater. Responsible for customer satisfaction and safety in demanding and dynamic workplace environment. Certified wilderness first responder.

Operator: Purdue Rare Isotope Measurement Laboratory: Jan 2016 to May 2018

  • Collected and verified data from Purdue's linear particle accelerator. Operated the accelerator during overnight shifts, participated in maintenance, and responded to emergency shutdowns.

Research and Project Experience

Senior design team: Polymorphic logic: Aug to Dec 2019

  • Investigated the design and integration of experimental ambipolar transistors using CMOS as a proxy.
  • Personally specified, documented, and implemented the digital control modules for custom logic cells.
  • Integrated the team project into the larger SoCET system on a chip for fabrication at MIT Lincoln Labs.

MIPS dual-core processor: Sep to Dec 2019

  • Designed, implemented, tested, and synthesized a MIPS-based processor featuring a five stage pipeline, and two cores with independent coherent L1 caches.
  • Used SystemVerilog to implement RTL logic and testbench scripts for design validation.
  • Synthesized design to target an Altera Cyclone FPGA.

Tetris hand-held console: Mar to May 2019

  • Developed an STM32-based handheld Tetris console as a member of a four-person team. Personally created an SPI driver for the embedded display using C++ and assembly.

ASIC module for USB to AHB bridge: Nov 2018

  • Collaborated to design and test a USB to AHB bridge suitable for use on an SoC.
  • Personally designed and wrote SystemVerilog code for the USB receiving/decoding submodule.

First place in ECE368: Data Structures & Algorithms "big data challenge": Oct 2017

  • Designed and optimized a Huffman encoding algorithm of an arbitrarily-large input using a multi-threaded approach.
  • Applied principals of data structures and algorithms to heavily optimize C code. Placed first of 83 students for fastest compression of 64GB of data.


Whitewater Kayaking and Caving Consultant: Purdue Outing Club: May 2016 to Dec 2019

  • Taught caving and whitewater kayaking skills from beginner through advanced levels. Organized and led expeditions.
  • Ensured safe environment for all participants and practiced inclusive leadership within groups.

Facilitator, participant: EMV sophomore leadership retreat: Sep 2016, 2017, 2018

  • Participated in, and twice facilitated, a leadership retreat exploring inclusive leadership in the classroom and community.

Eagle Scout, BSA: 2014

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