
This is a basic command handler for Discord.js (master build) bots. It has features to run individual command and event files!

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Discord.js Basic Command Handler

This is a basic command handler for discord.js to run commands and events in their own files! Below you can find all the documentation on the command handler!

  • index.js

Index.js is the main file you will be running to start your bot! In this file, is the main setup for the bot. It will run all of the command and event files from here. Also, for testing commands theres an event for easy tesitng without making new files!

  • /events/message.js

This is the message file. In here contains all the code to actually run the command when a user send a command messgae!

  • Events

To add a new event, make a new file called <eventName>.js in the /events directory. Make sure to add module.exports = async (client, guild, user) => { // ALL code } to your file! Feel free to pass any arguments needed in the () behind client, guild, and user. Make sure not to add the event function. This is handled by the command handler in the module.exports function.

  • Commands

TO add a new command, make a new file called <commandName>.js in the /commands directory. Make sure to add module.exports.run = async (client, message, args, isOwner => { // ALL code } to your file! Add any arguments needed in the () following client, message, args, and isOwner! The code in these files following the module.exports should always be the code you have in //Code section of if (message.context === 'ping') { //Code }. No need for adding events or if statments to check the command name, as the command handler handles all that!