
EventIC com SR

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EventIC: An Academic Event Recommender System for the Institute of Computing


Event promotion platforms play a crucial role in fostering connections because they can extend the reach and visibility of events. In the academic environment, characterized by frequent lectures, seminars, and conferences organized by various research groups, these tools enable students, researchers,and interested individuals to access information easily, driving the dissemination of knowledge within the scientific community. To further optimize this potential, a Recommendation System can be employed to help users discover relevant events. This work addressed integrating a recommendation mechanism,into a web application for promoting academic events, EventIC. Collaborative Filtering and Content-Based Filtering techniques were employed, and a comparison experiment of the results from these approaches was conducted. The metrics adopted in this study indicated that Collaborative Filtering produced more accurate recommendations than Content-Based Filtering.


Nowadays, the Computing Institute of the Federal University of Bahia lacks a management system for academic events. Currently, events are fostered in a decentralized manner, utilizing emails, research group websites, and social media platforms. This dispersed approach poses challenges for the academic community in staying informed and actively engaging in these events.

In order to address this problem, we developed a web system named EventIC - The Computing Institute Events Platform - which allows students and interested people to take note of next events to be hosted and provides users with useful functionalities, including locating events by date, title or category, events integration into Google Calendar, easily sharing in social media and schedule an email notification before the event starts.

In my bachelor's thesis, I extended this project by implementing a recommendation system for event recommending. For user model capturing, I developed an evaluation mechanism in which users can rate an event between one and five stars and leave a comment. For those unregistered users, recommendations are generated by event content analysis. The system produces event suggestions using Collaborative Filtering and Content-Based Filtering approaches. The experiment utilized a public dataset and the evaluation metrics indicated that Collaborative Filtering produced more accurate recommendations than Content-Based Filtering.


EventIC home page]

Recommendations on the home page.

Event details page]

Event details page.

Event evaluations]

Event reviews.


EventIC archictecture



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