This is a challenge to complete one (or more if I'm feeling good about myself) programming task(s) a day, but the catch is that I can only do it in Go. I have never used Go before this, so I'm doing this in hopes of getting fluent at it eventually. As I complete tasks, I will note down the things I've learnt in this README together with the date of completion to track progress.
- great for web development
- statically typed
- no excessive boilerplate code unlike Ruby
- Fast compile times
- 100doors (27/4/2020): Basic syntax and for loop
- A + B (28/4/2020): Initialise functions
- gpa (28/4/2020): Set precision of standard output float
- descsort (28/4/2020): Sorting an array, using comparator functions to determine sorting sequence
- standardshapes (29/4/2020): OOP, composition by embedding structs, pointers to set object values
- gcd (29/4/2020): Recursion
- guessthenumber (30/4/2020): Binary search
- reversestring (no additional memory) (30/4/2020): Converting strings into mutable byte arrays
- reversedlinkedlist (1/5/2020): Linked lists, pointers, methods
- knightsdialler (2/5/2020): 2D slices, matrix multiplication
- lioddevensubseq (3/5/2020): Dynamic programming
- lcs (3/5/2020): Dynamic programming, slices, using range to iterate over elements in arrays
- quicksort (3/5/2020): Quick sort, appending to and making copies of arrays, reading from files, converting str to int
- training (4/5/2020) (Google Kick Start 2019 Round A): Dynamic programming, clearing arrays
- buildingpalindromes (4/5/2020) (Google Kick Start 2019 Round B): Slicing arrays
- simplifyfrac (4/5/2020): Recursion
- card (5/5/2020) (NOI 2010): Append, make, copy functions for slices
- aryaandthegreatwar (5/5/2020): Bitwise operators
- deletewithoutheadpointer (5/5/2020): Linked list, pointers
- bitdifference (5/5/2020): Brian Kernighan's Algorithm
- hole (5/5/2020) (NOI 2007): DFS
- extraelement (6/5/2020): Binary search across 2 arrays
- vesakday (7/5/2020) (BBCS2020 Competition Submission): Dynamic programming
- coins (8/5/2020): Greedy
- dfs (9/5/2020): Graph theory, depth first search, adjacency list
- knapsack (10/5/2020): Knapsack, dynamic programming
- fizzbuzz (11/5/2020) (but in 2 minutes): Speed
- minswaps (12/5/2020): Sorting an array of structs, graph theory
- frogs (13/5/2020) (CodeChef DSA Contest 7): Sorting an array of structs
- brackets (14/5/2020): Stack
- binarycoins (15/5/2020): Least significant bit
- marbles (16/5/2020): Greedy, binary search
- countdown (17/5/2020) (Google Kick Start 2020 Round C): Running count
- travellingsalesman